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Version: 20 R6


Folder objects are created with the Folder command. They contain references to folders that may or may not actually exist on disk. For example, when you execute the Folder command to create a new folder, a valid Folder object is created but nothing is actually stored on disk until you call the folder.create() function.


The following example creates a "JohnSmith" folder:

Form.curfolder:=Folder(fk database folder)
Form.curfolder:=Folder("C:\\Users\\JohnSmith\\";fk platform path)


Folder objects support several pathnames, including filesystems or posix syntax. Supported pathnames are detailed in the Pathnames page.

Folder object

.copyTo( destinationFolder : 4D.Folder { ; newName : Text } { ; overwrite : Integer } ) : 4D.Folder
copies the Folder object into the specified destinationFolder
.create() : Boolean
creates a folder on disk according to the properties of the Folder object
.createAlias( destinationFolder : 4D.Folder ; aliasName : Text { ; aliasType : Integer } ) : 4D.File
creates an alias (macOS) or a shortcut (Windows)
.creationDate : Date
the creation date of the folder
.creationTime : Time
the creation time of the folder
.delete( { option : Integer } )
deletes the folder
.exists : Boolean
true if the folder exists on disk
.extension : Text
returns the extension of the folder name (if any)
.file( path : Text ) : 4D.File
a File object inside the Folder object and returns its reference
.files( { options : Integer } ) : Collection
a collection of File objects contained in the folder
.folder( path : Text ) : 4D.Folder
creates a Folder object inside the parent Folder object and returns its reference
.folders( { options : Integer } ) : Collection
returns a collection of Folder objects contained in the parent folder
.fullName : Text
returns the full name of the folder, including its extension (if any)
.getIcon( { size : Integer } ) : Picture
returns the icon of the folder
.hidden : Boolean
true if the folder is set as "hidden" at the system level
.isAlias : Boolean
always false for a Folder object
.isFile : Boolean
always false for a folder
.isFolder : Boolean
always true for a folder
.isPackage : Boolean
true if the folder is a package on macOS (and exists on disk)
.modificationDate : Date
the date of the folder's last modification
.modificationTime : Time
the time of the folder's last modification
.name : Text
the name of the folder, without extension (if any)
.original : 4D.Folder
the same Folder object as the folder
.parent : 4D.Folder
the parent folder object of the folder
.path : Text
the POSIX path of the folder
.platformPath : Text
the path of the folder expressed with the current platform syntax
.moveTo( destinationFolder : 4D.Folder { ; newName : Text } ) : 4D.Folder
moves or renames the Folder object (source folder) into the specified destinationFolder
.rename( newName : Text ) : 4D.Folder
renames the folder with the name you passed in newName and returns the renamed Folder object


19 R8Support of fk home folder
17 R5Added

Folder ( path : Text { ; pathType : Integer }{ ; * } ) : 4D.Folder
Folder ( folderConstant : Integer { ; * } ) : 4D.Folder

pathText->Folder path
folderConstantInteger->4D folder constant
pathTypeInteger->fk posix path (default) or fk platform path
*->* to return folder of host database
Result4D.Folder<-New folder object


The Folder command creates and returns a new object of the 4D.Folder type. The command accepts two syntaxes:

Folder ( path { ; pathType } { ; * } )

In the path parameter, pass a folder path string. You can use a custom string or a filesystem (e.g., "/DATA").

Only absolute pathnames are supported with the Folder command.

By default, 4D expects a path expressed with the POSIX syntax. If you work with platform pathnames (Windows or macOS), you must declare it using the pathType parameter. The following constants are available:

fk platform path1Path expressed with a platform-specific syntax (mandatory in case of platform pathname)
fk posix path0Path expressed with POSIX syntax (default)

Folder ( folderConstant { ; * } )

In the folderConstant parameter, pass a 4D built-in or system folder, using one of the following constants:

fk applications folder116
fk data folder9Associated filesystem: "/DATA"
fk database folder4Associated filesystem: "/PACKAGE"
fk desktop folder115
fk documents folder117Document folder of the user
fk home folder118Current home folder of the user (usually /Users/<username>/)
fk licenses folder1Folder containing the machine's 4D license files
fk logs folder7Associated filesystem: "/LOGS"
fk mobileApps folder10
fk remote database folder34D database folder created on each 4D remote machine
fk resources folder6Associated filesystem: "/RESOURCES"
fk system folder100
fk user preferences folder04D folder that stores user preference files within the user home folder
fk web root folder8Current Web root folder of the database: if within the package "/PACKAGE/path", otherwise full path

If the command is called from a component, pass the optional parameter to get the path of the host database. Otherwise, if you omit the parameter, a null object is always returned.

On Windows, in merged clients, the location of built-in folders is modified if the ShareLocalResourcesOnWindowsClient BuildApp key is used.

18 R6Added ( path : Text { ; pathType : Integer }{ ; * } ) : 4D.Folder ( folderConstant : Integer { ; * } ) : 4D.Folder


The function creates and returns a new object of the 4D.Folder type. It is identical to the Folder command (shortcut).

It is recommended to use the Folder shortcut command instead of


17 R5Added

.copyTo( destinationFolder : 4D.Folder { ; newName : Text } { ; overwrite : Integer } ) : 4D.Folder

destinationFolder4D.Folder->Destination folder
newNameText->Name for the copy
overwriteInteger->fk overwrite to replace existing elements
Result4D.Folder<-Copied file or folder


The .copyTo() function copies the Folder object into the specified destinationFolder.

The destinationFolder must exist on disk, otherwise an error is generated.

By default, the folder is copied with the name of the original folder. If you want to rename the copy, pass the new name in the newName parameter. The new name must comply with naming rules (e.g., it must not contain characters such as ":", "/", etc.), otherwise an error is returned.

If a folder with the same name already exists in the destinationFolder, by default 4D generates an error. You can pass the fk overwrite constant in the overwrite parameter to ignore and overwrite the existing file

fk overwrite4Overwrite existing elements, if any

Returned value

The copied Folder object.


You want to copy a Pictures folder from the user's Document folder to the Database folder:

var $userImages; $copiedImages : 4D.Folder
$userImages:=Folder(fk documents folder).folder("Pictures")
$copiedImages:=$userImages.copyTo(Folder(fk database folder);fk overwrite)


17 R5Added

.create() : Boolean

ResultBoolean<-True if the folder was created successfully, false otherwise


The .create() function creates a folder on disk according to the properties of the Folder object.

If necessary, the function creates the folder hierachy as described in the platformPath or path properties. If the folder already exists on disk, the function does nothing (no error is thrown) and returns false.

Returned value

  • True if the folder is created successfully;
  • False if a folder with the same name already exists or if an error occured.

Example 1

Create an empty folder in the database folder:

var $created : Boolean

Example 2

Creation of the "/Archives2019/January/" folder in the database folder:

ALERT("The "+$" folder was created.")
ALERT("Impossible to create a "+$" folder.")
End if


17 R5Added

.createAlias( destinationFolder : 4D.Folder ; aliasName : Text { ; aliasType : Integer } ) : 4D.File

destinationFolder4D.Folder->Destination folder for the alias or shortcut
aliasNameText->Name of the alias or shortcut
aliasTypeInteger->Type of the alias link
Result4D.File<-Alias or shortcut reference


The .createAlias() function creates an alias (macOS) or a shortcut (Windows) to the folder with the specified aliasName name in the folder designated by the destinationFolder object.

Pass the name of the alias or shortcut to create in the aliasName parameter.

By default on macOS, the function creates a standard alias. You can also create a symbolic link by using the aliasType parameter. The following constants are available:

fk alias link0Alias link (default)
fk symbolic link1Symbolic link (macOS only)

On Windows, a shortcut (.lnk file) is always created (the aliasType parameter is ignored).

Returned object

A 4D.File object with the isAlias property set to true.


You want to create an alias to an archive folder in your database folder:

$myFolder:=Folder("C:\\Documents\\Archives\\2019\\January";fk platform path)


17 R5Added

.creationDate : Date


The .creationDate property returns the creation date of the folder.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.creationTime : Time


The .creationTime property returns the creation time of the folder (expressed as a number of seconds beginning at 00:00).

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.delete( { option : Integer } )

optionInteger->Folder deletion option


The .delete() function deletes the folder.

By default, for security reasons, if you omit the option parameter, .delete( ) only allows empty folders to be deleted. If you want the command to be able to delete folders that are not empty, you must use the option parameter with one of the following constants:

Delete only if empty0Deletes folder only when it is empty
Delete with contents1Deletes folder along with everything it contains

When Delete only if empty is passed or if you omit the option parameter:

  • The folder is only deleted if it is empty; otherwise, the command does nothing and an error -47 is generated.
  • If the folder does not exist, the error -120 is generated.

When Delete with contents is passed:

  • The folder, along with all of its contents, is deleted. Warning: Even when this folder and/or its contents are locked or set to read-only, if the current user has suitable access rights, the folder (and contents) is still deleted.
  • If this folder, or any of the files it contains, cannot be deleted, deletion is aborted as soon as the first inaccessible element is detected, and an error(*) is returned. In this case, the folder may be only partially deleted. When deletion is aborted, you can use the GET LAST ERROR STACK command to retrieve the name and path of the offending file.
  • If the folder does not exist, the command does nothing and no error is returned. (*) Windows: -54 (Attempt to open locked file for writing) macOS: -45 (The file is locked or the pathname is not correct)


17 R5Added

.exists : Boolean


The .exists property returns true if the folder exists on disk, and false otherwise.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.extension : Text


The .extension property returns the extension of the folder name (if any). An extension always starts with ".". The property returns an empty string if the folder name does not have an extension.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.file( path : Text ) : 4D.File

pathText->Relative POSIX file pathname
Result4D.File<-File object (null if invalid path)


The .file() function creates a File object inside the Folder object and returns its reference.

In path, pass a relative POSIX path to designate the file to return. The path will be evaluated from the parent folder as root.

Returned value

A File object or null if path is invalid.


var $myPDF : 4D.File
$myPDF:=Folder(fk documents folder).file("Pictures/info.pdf")


17 R5Added

.files( { options : Integer } ) : Collection

optionsInteger->File list options
ResultCollection<-Collection of children file objects


The .files() function returns a collection of File objects contained in the folder.

Aliases or symbolic links are not resolved.

By default, if you omit the options parameter, only the files at the first level of the folder are returned in the collection, as well as invisible files or folders. You can modify this by passing, in the options parameter, one or more of the following constants:

fk recursive1The collection contains files of the specified folder and its subfolders
fk ignore invisible8Invisible files are not listed

Returned value

Collection of File objects.

Example 1

You want to know if there are invisible files in the Database folder:

 var $all; $noInvisible : Collection
$all:=Folder(fk database folder).files()
$noInvisible:=Folder(fk database folder).files(fk ignore invisible)
ALERT("Database folder contains hidden files.")
End if

Example 2

You want to get all files that are not invisible in the Documents folder:

 var $recursive : Collection
$recursive:=Folder(fk documents folder).files(fk recursive+fk ignore invisible)


17 R5Added

.folder( path : Text ) : 4D.Folder

pathText->Relative POSIX file pathname
Result4D.Folder<-Created folder object (null if invalid path)


The .folder() function creates a Folder object inside the parent Folder object and returns its reference.

In path, pass a relative POSIX path to designate the folder to return. The path will be evaluated from the parent folder as root.

Returned value

A Folder object or null if path is invalid.


 var $mypicts : 4D.Folder
$mypicts:=Folder(fk documents folder).folder("Pictures")


17 R5Added

.folders( { options : Integer } ) : Collection

optionsInteger->Folder list options
ResultCollection<-Collection of children folder objects


The .folders() function returns a collection of Folder objects contained in the parent folder.

By default, if you omit the options parameter, only the folders at the first level of the folder are returned in the collection. You can modify this by passing, in the options parameter, one or more of the following constants:

fk recursive1The collection contains folders of the specified folder and its subfolders
fk ignore invisible8Invisible folders are not listed

Returned value

Collection of Folder objects.


You want the collection of all folders and subfolders of the database folder:

 var $allFolders : Collection
$allFolders:=Folder("/PACKAGE").folders(fk recursive)


17 R5Added

.fullName : Text


The .fullName property returns the full name of the folder, including its extension (if any).

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.getIcon( { size : Integer } ) : Picture

sizeInteger->Side length for the returned picture (pixels)


The .getIcon() function returns the icon of the folder.

The optional size parameter specifies the dimensions in pixels of the returned icon. This value actually represents the length of the side of the square containing the icon. Icons are usually defined in 32x32 pixels ("large icons") or 16x16 pixels ("small icons"). If you pass 0 or omit this parameter, the "large icon" version is returned.

If the folder does not exist on disk, a default blank icon is returned.

Returned value

Folder icon picture.


17 R5Added

.hidden : Boolean


The .hidden property returns true if the folder is set as "hidden" at the system level, and false otherwise.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.isAlias : Boolean


The .isAlias property returns always false for a Folder object.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.isFile : Boolean


The .isFile property returns always false for a folder.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.isFolder : Boolean


The .isFolder property returns always true for a folder.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.isPackage : Boolean


The .isPackage property returns true if the folder is a package on macOS (and exists on disk). Otherwise, it returns false.

On Windows, .isPackage always returns false.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.modificationDate : Date


The .modificationDate property returns the date of the folder's last modification.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.modificationTime : Time


The .modificationTime property returns the time of the folder's last modification (expressed as a number of seconds beginning at 00:00).

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.moveTo( destinationFolder : 4D.Folder { ; newName : Text } ) : 4D.Folder

destinationFolder4D.Folder->Destination folder
newNameText->Full name for the moved folder
Result4D.Folder<-Moved folder


The .moveTo( ) function moves or renames the Folder object (source folder) into the specified destinationFolder.

The destinationFolder must exist on disk, otherwise an error is generated.

By default, the folder retains its name when moved. If you want to rename the moved folder, pass the new full name in the newName parameter. The new name must comply with naming rules (e.g., it must not contain characters such as ":", "/", etc.), otherwise an error is returned.

Returned object

The moved Folder object.


You want to move and rename a folder:

 var $tomove; $moved : Object
$docs:=Folder(fk documents folder)


17 R5Added

.name : Text


The .name property returns the name of the folder, without extension (if any).

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.original : 4D.Folder


The .original property returns the same Folder object as the folder.

This property is read-only.

This property is available on folders to allow generic code to process folders or files.


17 R5Added

.parent : 4D.Folder


The .parent property returns the parent folder object of the folder. If the path represents a system path (e.g., "/DATA/"), the system path is returned.

If the folder does not have a parent (root), the null value is returned.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.path : Text


The .path property returns the POSIX path of the folder. If the path represents a filesystem (e.g., "/DATA/"), the filesystem is returned.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.platformPath : Text


The .platformPath property returns the path of the folder expressed with the current platform syntax.

This property is read-only.


17 R5Added

.rename( newName : Text ) : 4D.Folder

newNameText->New full name for the folder
Result4D.Folder<-Renamed folder


The .rename() function renames the folder with the name you passed in newName and returns the renamed Folder object.

The newName parameter must comply with naming rules (e.g., it must not contain characters such as ":", "/", etc.), otherwise an error is returned. If a file with the same name already exists, an error is returned.

Returned object

The renamed Folder object.


 var $toRename : 4D.Folder