Form object JSON property list
You will find in this page a comprehensive list of all object properties sorted through their JSON name. Click on a property name to access its detailed description.
In the "Form Object Properties" chapter, properties are sorted according the Property List names and themes.
a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - j - k - l - m - n - p - r - s - t - u - v - w - z
Property | Description | Possible Values |
a | ||
action | Typical activity to be performed. | The name of a valid standard action. |
allowFontColorPicker | Allows displaying system font picker or color picker to edit object attributes | true, false (default) |
alternateFill | Allows setting a different background color for odd-numbered rows/columns in a list box. | Any CSS value; "transparent"; "automatic"; "automaticAlternate" |
automaticInsertion | Enables automatically adding a value to a list when a user enters a value that is not in the object's associated choice list. | true, false |
b | ||
booleanFormat | Specifies only two possible values. | true, false |
borderRadius | The radius value for round rectangles. | minimum: 0 |
borderStyle | Allows setting a standard style for the object border. | "system", "none", "solid", "dotted", "raised", "sunken", "double" |
bottom | Positions an object at the bottom (centered). | minimum: 0 |
c | ||
choiceList | A list of choices associated with an object | A list of choices |
class | A list of space-separated words used as class selectors in css files. | A list of class names |
columnCount | Number of columns. | minimum: 1 |
columns | A collection of list box columns | Collection of column objects with defined column properties |
contextMenu | Provides the user access to a standard context menu in the selected area. | "automatic", "none" |
continuousExecution | Designates whether or not to run the method of an object while the user is tracking the control. | true, false |
controlType | Specifies how the value should be rendered in a list box cell. | "input", "checkbox" (for boolean / numeric columns), "automatic", "popup" (only for boolean columns) |
currentItemSource | The last selected item in a list box. | Object expression |
currentItemPositionSource | The position of the last selected item in a list box. | Number expression |
customBackgroundPicture | Sets the picture that will be drawn in the background of a button. | Relative path in POSIX syntax. Must be used in conjunction with the style property with the "custom" option. |
customBorderX | Sets the size (in pixels) of the internal horizontal margins of an object. Must be used with the style property with the "custom" option. | minimum: 0 |
customBorderY | Sets the size (in pixels) of the internal vertical margins of an object. Must be used with the style property with the "custom" option. | minimum: 0 |
customOffset | Sets a custom offset value in pixels. Must be used with the style property with the "custom" option. | minimum: 0 |
customProperties | Advanced properties (if any) | JSON string or base64 encoded string |
d | ||
dataSource (objects)dataSource (subforms)dataSource (array list box) dataSource (Collection or entity selection list box)dataSource (list box column) dataSource (hierarchical list box) | Specifies the source of the data. | A 4D variable, field name, or an arbitrary complex language expression. |
dataSourceTypeHint (objects) dataSourceTypeHint (list box column, drop-down list) | Indicates the variable type. | "integer", "boolean", "number", "picture", "text", date", "time", "arrayText", "arrayDate", "arrayTime", "arrayNumber", "collection", "object", "undefined" |
dateFormat | Controls the way dates appear when displayed or printed. | Built-in formats ("systemShort", "systemMedium", "systemLong", "iso8601", "rfc822", "short", "shortCentury", "abbreviated", "long", "blankIfNull") or customized formats |
defaultButton | Modifies a button's appearance in order to indicate the recommended choice to the user. | true, false |
defaultValue | Defines a value or a stamp to be entered by default in an input object | String or "#D", "#H", "#N" |
deletableInList | Specifies if the user can delete subrecords in a list subform | true, false |
detailForm (list box)detailForm (subform) | Associates a detail form with a list subform. | Name (string) of table or project form, a POSIX path (string) to a .json file describing the form, or an object describing the form |
display | The object is drawn or not on the form. | true, false |
doubleClickInEmptyAreaAction | Action to perform in case of a double-click on an empty line of a list subform. | "addSubrecord" or "" to do nothing |
doubleClickInRowAction (list box)doubleClickInRowAction (subform) | Action to perform in case of a double-click on a record. | "editSubrecord", "displaySubrecord" |
dpi | Screen resolution for the 4D Write Pro area contents. | 0=automatic, 72, 96 |
dragging | Enables dragging function. | "none", "custom", "automatic" (excluding list, list box) |
dropping | Enables dropping function. | "none", "custom", "automatic" (excluding list, list box) |
e | ||
enterable | Indicates whether users can enter values into the object. | true, false |
enterableInList | Indicates whether users can modify record data directly in the list subform. | true, false |
entryFilter | Associates an entry filter with the object or column cells. This property is not accessible if the Enterable property is not enabled. | Text to narrow entries |
events | List of all events selected for the object or form | Collection of event names, e.g. ["onClick","onDataChange"...]. |
excludedList | Allows setting a list whose values cannot be entered in the column. | A list of values to be excluded. |
f | ||
fill | Defines the background color of an object. | Any CSS value, "transparent", "automatic" |
focusable | Indicates whether the object can have the focus (and can thus be activated by the keyboard for instance) | true, false |
fontFamily | Specifies the name of font family used in the object. | CSS font family name |
fontSize | Sets the font size in points when no font theme is selected | minimum: 0 |
fontStyle | Sets the selected text to slant slightly to the right. | "normal", "italic" |
fontTheme | Sets the automatic style | "normal", "main", "additional" |
fontWeight | Sets the selected text to appear darker and heavier. | "normal", "bold" |
footerHeight | Used to set the row height | positive decimal + px | em |
frameDelay | Enables cycling through the contents of the picture button at the specified speed (in ticks). | minimum: 0 |
g | ||
graduationStep | Scale display measurement. | minimum: 0 |
h | ||
header | Defines the header of a list box column | Object with properties "text", "name", "icon", "dataSource", "fontWeight", "fontStyle", "tooltip" |
headerHeight | Used to set the row height | positive decimal + px | em |
height | Designates an object's vertical size | minimum: 0 |
hideExtraBlankRows | Deactivates the visibility of extra, empty rows. | true, false |
hideFocusRing | Hides the selection rectangle when the object has the focus. | true, false |
hideSystemHighlight | Used to specify hiding highlighted records in the list box. | true, false |
highlightSet | Name of the set. | string |
horizontalLineStroke | Defines the color of the horizontal lines in a list box (gray by default). | Any CSS value, "transparent", "automatic" |
i | ||
icon | The pathname of the picture used for buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, list box headers. | Relative or filesystem path in POSIX syntax. |
iconFrames | Sets the exact number of states present in the picture. | minimum: 1 |
iconPlacement | Designates the placement of an icon in relation to the form object. | "none", "left", "right" |
imageHugsTitle | Defines whether the title and the picture of the button should be visually adjoined. | true (default), false |
k | ||
keyboardDialect | To associate a specific keyboard layout to an input. | A keyboard code string, e.g. "ar-ma" |
l | ||
labels | A list of values to be used as tab control labels | ex: "a", "b, "c", ... |
labelsPlacement (objects)labelsPlacement (tab control) | Specifies the location of an object's displayed text. | "none", "top", "bottom", "left", "right" |
layoutMode | Mode for displaying the 4D Write Pro document in the form area. | "page", "draft", "embedded" |
left | Positions an object on the left. | minimum: 0 |
list , see choiceList | A list of choices associated with a hierarchical list | A list of choices |
listboxType | The list box data source. | "array", "currentSelection", "namedSelection", "collection" |
listForm | List form to use in the subform. | Name (string) of table or project form, a POSIX path (string) to a .json file describing the form, or an object describing the form |
lockedColumnCount | Number of columns that must stay permanently displayed in the left part of a list box. | minimum: 0 |
loopBackToFirstFrame | Pictures are displayed in a continuous loop. | true, false |
m | ||
max | The maximum allowed value. For numeric steppers, these properties represent seconds when the object is associated with a time type value and are ignored when it is associated with a date type value. | minimum: 0 (for numeric data types) |
maxWidth | Designates the largest size allowed for list box columns. | minimum: 0 |
metaSource | A meta object containing style and selection settings. | An object expression |
method | A project method name. | The name of an existing project method |
methodsAccessibility | Which 4D methods can be called from a Web area | "none" (default), "all" |
min | The minimum allowed value. For numeric steppers, these properties represent seconds when the object is associated with a time type value and are ignored when it is associated with a date type value. | minimum: 0 (for numeric data types) |
minWidth | Designates the smallest size allowed for list box columns. | minimum: 0 |
movableRows | Authorizes the movement of rows during execution. | true, false |
multiline | Handles multiline contents. | "yes", "no", "automatic" |
n | ||
name | The name of the form object. (Optional for the form) | Any name which does not belong to an already existing object |
numberFormat | Controls the way the alphanumeric fields and variables appear when displayed or printed. | Numbers (including a decimal point or minus sign if necessary) |
p | ||
picture | The pathname of the picture for picture buttons, picture pop-up menus, or static pictures | Relative or filesystem path in POSIX syntax, or "var:<variableName>" for picture variable. |
pictureFormat (input, list box column or footer)pictureFormat (static picture) | Controls how pictures appear when displayed or printed. | "truncatedTopLeft", "scaled", "truncatedCenter", "tiled", "proportionalTopLeft" (excluding static pictures), "proportionalCenter"(excluding static pictures) |
placeholder | Grays out text when the data source value is empty. | Text to be grayed out. |
pluginAreaKind | Describes the type of plug-in. | The type of plug-in. |
popupPlacement | Allows displaying a symbol that appears as a triangle in the button, which indicates that there is a pop-up menu attached. | "None", Linked", "Separated" |
printFrame | Print mode for objects whose size can vary from one record to another depending on their contents | "fixed", "variable", (subform only) "fixedMultiple" |
progressSource | A value between 0 and 100, representing the page load completion percentage in the Web area. Automatically updated by 4D, cannot be modified manually. | minimum: 0 |
r | ||
radioGroup | Enables radio buttons to be used in coordinated sets: only one button at a time can be selected in the set. | Radio group name |
requiredList | Allows setting a list where only certain values can be inserted. | A list of mandatory values. |
resizable | Designates if the size of an object can be modified by the user. | "true", "false" |
resizingMode | Specifies if a list box column should be automatically resized | "rightToLeft", "legacy" |
right | Positions an object on the right. | minimum: 0 |
rowControlSource | A 4D array defining the list box rows. | Array |
rowCount | Sets the number of rows. | minimum: 1 |
rowFillSource (array list box)rowFillSource (selection or collection list box) | The name of an array or expression to apply a custom background color to each row of a list box. | The name of an array or expression. |
rowHeight | Sets the height of list box rows. | CSS value unit "em" or "px" (default). |
rowHeightAuto | boolean | "true", "false" |
rowHeightAutoMax | Designates the largest height allowed for list box rows. | CSS value unit "em" or "px" (default). minimum: 0 |
rowHeightAutoMin | Designates the smallest height allowed for list box rows. | CSS value unit "em" or "px" (default). minimum: 0 |
rowHeightSource | An array defining different heights for the rows in a list box. | Name of a 4D array variable. |
rowStrokeSource (array list box)rowStrokeSource (selection or collection/entity selection list box) | An array or expression for managing row colors. | Name of array or expression. |
rowStyleSource (array list box) rowStyleSource (selection or collection/entity selection list box) | An array or expression for managing row styles. | Name of array or expression. |
s | ||
saveAs (list box column)saveAs (drop-down list) | The type of contents to save in the field or variable associated to the form object | "value", "reference" |
scrollbarHorizontal | A tool allowing the user to move the viewing area to the left or right. | "visible", "hidden", "automatic" |
scrollbarVertical | A tool allowing the user to move the viewing area up or down. | "visible", "hidden", "automatic" |
selectedItemsSource | Collection of the selected items in a list box. | Collection expression |
selectionMode (hierarchical list)selectionMode (list box)selectionMode (subform) | Allows the selection of multiple records/rows. | "multiple", "single", "none" |
shortcutAccel | Designates the accelerator key (Ctrl Windows/Command macOS). | true, false |
shortcutAlt | Designates the Alt key | true, false |
shortcutCommand | Designates the Command key (macOS) | true, false |
shortcutControl | Designates the Control key (Windows) | true, false |
shortcutKey | The letter or name of a special meaning key. | "a", "b",... or "[F1]" -> "[F15]", "[Return]", "[Enter]", "[Backspace]", "[Tab]", "[Esc]", "[Del]", "[Home]", "[End]", "[Help]", "[Page up]", "[Page down]", "[left arrow]", "[right arrow]", "[up arrow]", "[down arrow]" |
shortcutShift | Designates the Shift key | true, false |
showFooters | Displays or hides column footers. | true, false |
showGraduations | Displays/Hides the graduations next to the labels. | true, false |
showHeaders | Displays or hides column headers. | true, false |
showHiddenChars | Displays/hides invisible characters. | true, false |
showHorizontalRuler | Displays/hides the horizontal ruler when the document view is in Page view mode | true, false |
showHTMLWysiwyg | Enables/disables the HTML WYSIWYG view | true, false |
showPageFrames | Displays/hides the page frame when the document view is in Page view mode | true, false |
showReferences | Displays all 4D expressions inserted in the 4D Write Pro document as references | true, false |
showSelection | Keeps the selection visible within the object after it has lost the focus | true, false |
showVerticalRuler | Displays/hides the vertical ruler when the document view is in Page view mode | true, false |
singleClickEdit | Enables direct passage to edit mode. | true, false |
sizingX | Specifies if the horizontal size of an object should be moved or resized when a user resizes the form. | "grow", "move", "fixed" |
sizingY | Specifies if the vertical size of an object should be moved or resized when a user resizes the form. | "grow", "move", "fixed" |
sortable | Allows sorting column data by clicking the header. | true, false |
spellcheck | Activates the spell-check for the object | true, false |
splitterMode | When a splitter object has this property, other objects to its right (vertical splitter) or below it (horizontal splitter) are pushed at the same time as the splitter, with no stop. | "grow", "move", "fixed" |
startPoint | Starting point for drawing a line object (only available in JSON Grammar). | "bottomLeft", topLeft" |
staticColumnCount | Number of columns that cannot be moved during execution. | minimum: 0 |
step | Minimum interval accepted between values during use. For numeric steppers, this property represents seconds when the object is associated with a time type value and days when it is associated with a date type value. | minimum: 1 |
storeDefaultStyle | Store the style tags with the text, even if no modification has been made | true, false |
stroke (text)stroke (lines)stroke (list box) | Specifies the color of the font or line used in the object. | Any CSS value, "transparent", "automatic" |
strokeDashArray | Describes dotted line type as a sequence of black and white points | Number array or string |
strokeWidth | Designates the thickness of a line. | An integer or 0 for smallest width on a printed form |
style | Allows setting the general appearance of the button. See Button Style for more information. | "regular", "flat", "toolbar", "bevel", "roundedBevel", "gradientBevel", "texturedBevel", "office", "help", "circular", "disclosure", "roundedDisclosure", "custom" |
styledText | Enables the possibility of using specific styles in the selected area. | true, false |
switchBackWhenReleased | Displays the first picture all the time except when the user clicks the button. Displays the second picture until the mouse button is released. | true, false |
switchContinuously | Allows the user to hold down the mouse button to display the pictures continuously (i.e., as an animation). | true, false |
switchWhenRollover | Modifies the contents of the picture button when the mouse cursor passes over it. The initial picture is displayed when the cursor leaves the button’s area. | true, false |
t | ||
table | Table that the list subform belongs to (if any). | 4D table name, or "" |
text | The title of the form object | Any text |
textAlign | Horizontal location of text within the area that contains it. | "automatic", "right", "center", "justify", "left" |
textAngle | Modifies the orientation (rotation) of the text area. | 0, 90, 180, 270 |
textDecoration | Sets the selected text to have a line running beneath it. | "normal", "underline" |
textFormat | Controls the way the alphanumeric fields and variables appear when displayed or printed. | "### ####", "(###) ### ####", "### ### ####", "### ## ####", "00000", custom formats |
textPlacement | Relative location of the button title in relation to the associated icon. | "left", "top", "right", "bottom", "center" |
threeState | Allows a check box object to accept a third state. | true, false |
timeFormat | Controls the way times appear when displayed or printed. | Built-in formats ("systemShort", "systemMedium", "systemLong", "iso8601", "hh_mm_ss", "hh_mm", "hh_mm_am", "mm_ss", "HH_MM_SS", "HH_MM", "MM_SS", "blankIfNull") or customized formats |
truncateMode | Controls the display of values when list box columns are too narrow to show their full contents. | "withEllipsis", "none" |
type | Mandatory. Designates the data type of the form object. | "text", "rectangle", "groupBox", "tab", "line", "button", "checkbox", "radio", "dropdown", "combo", "webArea", "write", "subform", "plugin", "splitter", "buttonGrid", "progress", "ruler", "spinner", "stepper", "list", "pictureButton", "picturePopup", "listbox", "input", "view" |
tooltip | Provide users with additional information about a field. | Additional information to help a user |
top | Positions an object at the top (centered). | minimum: 0 |
u | ||
urlSource | Designates the the URL loaded or being loading by the associated Web area. | A URL. |
useLastFrameAsDisabled | Enables setting the last thumbnail as the one to display when the button is disabled. | true, false |
userInterface | 4D View Pro area interface. | "none" (default), "ribbon", "toolbar" |
v | ||
values | List of default values for an array listbox column | ex: "A","B","42"... |
variableCalculation | Allows mathematical calculations to be performed. | "none", "minimum", "maximum", "sum", "count", "average", "standardDeviation", "variance", "sumSquare" |
verticalAlign | Vertical location of text within the area that contains it. | "automatic", "top", "middle", "bottom" |
verticalLineStroke | Defines the color of the vertical lines in a list box (gray by default). | Any CSS value, "transparent", "automatic" |
visibility | Allows hiding the object in the Application environment. | "visible", "hidden", "selectedRows", "unselectedRows" |
w | ||
webEngine | Used to choose between two rendering engines for the Web area, depending on the specifics of the application. | "embedded", "system" |
width | Designates an object's horizontal size | minimum: 0 |
withFormulaBar | Manages the display of a formula bar with the Toolbar interface in the 4D View Pro area. | true, false |
wordwrap | Manages the display of contents when it exceeds the width of the object. | "automatic" (excluding list box), "normal", "none" |
z | ||
zoom | Zoom percentage for displaying 4D Write Pro area | number (minimum=0) |