📄️ dataClass
Dataclass names can be used directly in the REST requests to work with entities and entity selections, or class functions of the dataclass.
📄️ $asArray
Returns the result of a query in an array (i.e. a collection) instead of a JSON object.
📄️ $atomic/$atOnce
Allows the actions in the REST request to be in a transaction. If there are no errors, the transaction is validated. Otherwise, the transaction is cancelled.
📄️ $attributes
Allows selecting the attribute(s) to get from the dataclass (e.g., Company(1)?$attributes=name,city, Company(1)?$attributes=employees.lastname, or Employee?$attributes=employer.name).
📄️ $binary
Pass "true" to save the BLOB as a document (must also pass $expand=)
📄️ $clean
Creates a new entity set from an existing entity set but without its deleted entities, if any (e.g. $clean=true)
📄️ $compute
Calculate on specific attributes (e.g., Employee/salary/?$compute=sum) or in the case of an Object attribute (e.g., Employee/objectAtt.property1/?$compute=sum)
📄️ $distinct
Returns the distinct values for a specific attribute in a collection (e.g., Company/name?$filter="name=a*"&$distinct=true)
📄️ $entityset
After creating an entity set by using $method=entityset, you can then use it subsequently.
📄️ $expand
Expands an image stored in an Image attribute (e.g., Employee(1)/photo?$imageformat=best&$expand=photo)
📄️ $filter
Allows to query the data in a dataclass or method (e.g., $filter="firstName!='' AND salary>30000")
📄️ $format
Defines a specific format to return data of a dataclass, (e.g., $format=looker)
📄️ $imageformat
Defines which image format to use for retrieving images (e.g., $imageformat=png)
📄️ $lock
Locks and unlocks an entity using the pessimistic mechanism.
📄️ $method
This parameter allows you to define the operation to execute with the returned entity or entity selection.
📄️ $orderby
Sorts the data returned by the attribute and sorting order defined (e.g., $orderby="lastName desc, salary asc")
📄️ $querypath
Returns the query as it was executed by 4D Server (e.g., $querypath=true)
📄️ $queryplan
Returns the query as it was passed to 4D Server (e.g., $queryplan=true)
📄️ $savedfilter
Saves the filter defined by $filter when creating an entity set (e.g., $savedfilter="")
📄️ $savedorderby
Saves the order by defined by $orderby when creating an entity set (e.g., $savedorderby="")
📄️ $skip
Starts the entity defined by this number in the collection (e.g., $skip=10)
📄️ $timeout
Defines the number of seconds to save an entity set in 4D Server's cache (e.g., $timeout=1800)
📄️ $top/$limit
Limits the number of entities to return (e.g., $top=50)
📄️ $version
Image version number