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Version: 20 R8 BETA


20 R2Support of .sjs documents

VP EXPORT DOCUMENT ( vpAreaName : Text ; filePath : Text {; paramObj : Object} )

vpAreaNameText->4D View Pro area form object name
filePathText->Pathname of the document
paramObjObject->Export options


The VP EXPORT DOCUMENT command exports the 4D View Pro object attached to the 4D View Pro area vpAreaName to a document on disk according to the filePath and paramObj parameters.

In vpAreaName, pass the name of the 4D View Pro area. If you pass a name that does not exist, an error is returned.

In filePath, pass the destination path and name of the document to be exported. If you don't specify a path, the document will be saved at the same level as the Project folder.

You can specify the exported file's format by including an extension after the document's name:

  • 4D View Pro (".4vp")
  • Microsoft Excel (".xlsx")
  • PDF (".pdf")
  • CSV (".txt", or ".csv")
  • SpreadJS document (".sjs")

If the extension is not included, but the format is specified in paramObj, the exported file will have the extension that corresponds to the format, except for the CSV format (no extension is added in this case).

The optional paramObj parameter allows you to define multiple properties for the exported 4D View Pro object, as well as launch a callback method when the export has completed.

formattext(optional) When present, designates the exported file format: ".4vp" (default), ".csv", ".xlsx", ".pdf", or ".sjs". You can use the following constants:
  • vk 4D View Pro format
  • vk csv format
  • vk MS Excel format
  • vk pdf format
  • vk sjs format
  • 4D adds the appropriate extension to the file name if needed. If the format specified doesn't correspond with the extension in filePath, it will be added to the end of filePath. If a format is not specified and no extension is provided in filePath, the default file format is used.
    passwordtextMicrosoft Excel only (optional) - Password used to protect the MS Excel document
    formula4D.FunctionCallback method to be launched when the export has completed. Using a callback method is necessary when the export is asynchronous (which is the case for PDF and Excel formats) if you need some code to be executed after the export. The callback method must be passed with the Formula command. See Passing a callback method (formula).
    valuesOnlybooleanSpecifies that only the values from formulas (if any) will be exported.
    includeFormatInfobooleanTrue to include formatting information, false otherwise (default is true). Formatting information is useful in some cases, e.g. for export to SVG. On the other hand, setting this property to false allows reducing export time.
    includeBindingSourceboolean4DVP and Microsoft Excel only. True (default) to export the current data context values as cell values in the exported document (data contexts themselves are not exported). False otherwise. Cell binding is always exported. For data context and cell binding management, see VP SET DATA CONTEXT and VP SET BINDING PATH.
    sheetIndexnumberPDF only (optional) - Index of sheet to export (starting from 0). -2=all visible sheets (default), -1=current sheet only
    pdfOptionsobjectPDF only (optional) - Options for pdf
    creatortextname of the application that created the original document from which it was converted.
    titletexttitle of the document.
    authortextname of the person who created that document.
    keywordstextkeywords associated with the document.
    subjecttextsubject of the document.
    csvOptionsobjectCSV only (optional) - Options for csv export
    rangeobjectRange object of cells
    rowDelimitertextRow delimiter. Default: "\r\n"
    columnDelimitertextColumn delimiter. Default: ","
    sjsOptionsobjectSJS only (optional) - Options for sjs export
    includeAutoMergedCellsbooleanwhether to include the automatically merged cells, default is false.
    includeBindingSourcebooleanwhether to include the binding source, default is true.
    includeCalcModelCachebooleanwhether to include the extra data of calculation. Can be faster when open the file with those data, default is false.
    includeEmptyRegionCellsbooleanwhether to include any empty cells (cells with no data or only style) outside the used data range, default is true.
    includeFormulasbooleanwhether to include the formulas, default is true.
    includeStylesbooleanwhether to include the style, default is true.
    includeUnusedNamesbooleanwhether to include the unused custom names, default is true.
    saveAsViewbooleanwhether to apply the format string to exporting values, default is false.
    excelOptionsobjectExcel only (optional) - Options for Excel export
    includeBindingSourcebooleanWhether to include the binding source when exporting, default false.
    includeStylesbooleanWhether to include the style when exporting, default true.
    includeFormulasbooleanWhether to include the formula when exporting, default true.
    saveAsViewbooleanWhether to apply the format string to exporting value when exporting, default false.
    rowHeadersAsFrozenColumnsbooleanWhether to treat the row headers as frozen columns when exporting, default false.
    columnHeadersAsFrozenRowsbooleanWhether to treat the column headers as frozen rows when exporting, default false.
    includeAutoMergedCellsbooleanWhether to include the automatically merged cells when exporting, default false.
    includeCalcModelCachebooleanWhether to include the extra data of calculation. Can be faster when open the file with those data, default false.
    includeUnusedNamesbooleanWhether to include the unused custom name when exporting, default true.
    includeEmptyRegionCellsbooleanWhether to include any empty cells(cells with no data or only style) outside the used data range, default true.
    passwordtextPassword to set to open the workbook.
    \<customProperty>anyAny custom property that will be available through the $3 parameter in the callback method.

    Notes about Excel format:

    • When exporting a 4D View Pro document into a Microsoft Excel-formatted file, some settings may be lost. For example, 4D methods and formulas are not supported by Excel. You can verify other settings with this list from SpreadJS.
    • Exporting in this format is run asynchronously, use the formula property of the paramObj for code to be executed after the export.
    • Using excelOptions object is recommended when exporting in ".xlsx" format. Make sure to not mix this object with legacy first level properties (password, includeBindingSource...) to avoid potiental issues.

    Notes about PDF format:

    • When exporting a 4D View Pro document in PDF, the fonts used in the document are automatically embedded in the PDF file. Only OpenType fonts (.OTF or .TTF files) having a Unicode map can be embedded. If no valid font file is found for a font, a default font is used instead.
    • Exporting in this format is run asynchronously, use the formula property of the paramObj for code to be executed after the export.

    Notes about CSV format:

    • When exporting a 4D View Pro document to CSV, some settings may be lost, as only the text and values are saved.
    • All the values are saved as double-quoted strings. For more information on delimiter-separated values, see this article on Wikipedia.
    • Exporting in this format is run asynchronously, use the formula property of the paramObj for code to be executed after the export.

    Notes about SpreadJS file format:

    • SpreadJS files are zipped files.
    • Exporting in this format is run asynchronously, use the formula property of the paramObj for code to be executed after the export.

    Once the export operation is finished, VP EXPORT DOCUMENT automatically triggers the execution of the method set in the formula property of the paramObj, if used.

    Passing a callback method (formula)

    When including the optional paramObj parameter, the command allows you to use the Formula command to call a 4D method which will be executed once the export has completed. The callback method will receive the following values in local parameters:

    param1textThe name of the 4D View Pro area object
    param2textThe filepath of the exported 4D View Pro object
    param3objectA reference to the command's paramObj
    param4objectAn object returned by the method with a status message
    .successbooleanTrue if export with success, False otherwise.
    .errorCodeintegerError code.
    .errorMessagetextError message.

    Example 1

    You want to export the contents of the "VPArea" area to a 4D View Pro document on disk:

    var $docPath: Text

    VP EXPORT DOCUMENT("VPArea";$docPath)
    //MyExport.4VP is saved on your disk

    Example 2

    You want to export the current sheet in PDF:

    var $params:={}
    $params.format:=vk pdf format
    $params.pdfOptions:=New object("title";"Annual Report";"author";Current user)
    VP EXPORT DOCUMENT("VPArea";"report.pdf";$params)

    Example 3

    You want to export a 4D View Pro document in ".xlsx" format and call a method that will launch Microsoft Excel with the document open once the export has completed:

     var $params:={}
    VP EXPORT DOCUMENT("ViewProArea";"c:\\tmp\\convertedfile.xlsx";$params)

    AfterExport method:

     #DECLARE($areaName : Text ; $filePath : Text ; $params : Object ; $status : Object )

    LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office15\\excel "+$filePath)
    End if

    Example 4

    You want to export the current sheet to a .txt file with pipe-separated values:


    var $params:={}
    $params.range:=VP Cells("ViewProArea";0;0;2;5)
    VP EXPORT DOCUMENT("ViewProArea";"c:\\tmp\\data.txt";New object("format";vk csv format;"csvOptions";$params))

    Here's the result:


    See also

    VP Convert to picture
    VP Export to object
    VP Print
    4D View Pro: Excel import/export update (blog post)