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Versión: 20 R8 BETA


The TCPEvent class provides information about events occurring during the lifecycle of a TCP connection. It is generated when a TCPConnection is opened and is typically utilized in callbacks such as onConnection, onData, onError, and others.

20 R8Clase añadida

TCPEvent Object

A TCPEvent object is immutable and non-streamable.

Las siguientes propiedades están disponibles:

data : Blob
los datos asociados con el evento
type : Text
the type of the event


data : Blob


La propiedad .data contiene los datos asociados con el evento. It is only valid for events of type "data".


When working with low-level TCP/IP connections, keep in mind there is no guarantee that all data will arrive in a single packet. Data arrives in order but may be fragmented across multiple packets.


type : Text


The .type property contains the type of the event. Los valores posibles son:

  • "connection": Indicates that a TCPConnection was successfully established.
  • "data": Indicates that data has been received.
  • "error": Indicates that an error occurred during the TCPConnection.
  • "close": Indicates that the TCPConnection has been properly closed.
  • "terminate": Indicates that the TCPConnection is about to be released.