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MAIL New attachment

MAIL New attachment ( value {; name {; cid {; type {; disposition}}}} ) -> Résultat

valueTexte, BLOB, Objet🡒Object (4D.File, 4D.ZipFile, 4D.Blob), orPath of the attachment file (text), orBlob containing the attachment (BLOB)
nameTexte🡒Name + extension used by the mail client to designate the attachment
cidTexte🡒ID of attachment (HTML messages only), or " " if no cid is required
typeTexte🡒Value of the content-type header
dispositionTexte🡒Value of the content-disposition header: "inline" or "attachment".
RésultatObjet🡐Attachment object


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La commande MAIL New attachment permet de créer un objet pièce jointe que vous pouvez ajouter à un objet Email (voir transporteur.send( ))