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VP SET WORKBOOK OPTIONS ( vpAreaName : Text ; optionObj : Object)

vpAreaNameText->4D View Pro area form object name
optionObjObject->Object containing the workbook options to be set


VP SET WORKBOOK OPTIONS sets the workbook options in vpAreaName.

In vpAreaName, pass the name of the 4D View Pro area.

In optionObj, pass the workbook options to apply to vpAreaName.

If optionObj is empty, the command does nothing.

Modified workbook options are saved with the document.

The following table lists the available workbook options:

allowUserDragMergebooleanThe drag merge operation is allowed (select cells and drag the selection to merge cells)
allowAutoCreateHyperlinkbooleanEnables automatic creation of hyperlinks in the spreadsheet.
allowContextMenubooleanThe built-in context menu can be opened.
allowCopyPasteExcelStylebooleanStyles from a spreadsheet can be copied and pasted to Excel, and vice-versa.
allowDynamicArraybooleanEnables dynamic arrays in worksheets
allowExtendPasteRangebooleanExtends the pasted range if the pasted range is not enough for the pasted data
allowSheetReorderbooleanSheet reordering is allowed
allowUndobooleanUndoing edits is allowed.
allowUserDeselectbooleanDeselecting specific cells from a selection is allowed.
allowUserDragDropbooleanDrag and drop of range data is allowed
allowUserDragFillbooleanDrag fill is allowed
allowUserEditFormulabooleanFormulas can be entered in cells
allowUserResizebooleanColumns and rows can be resized
allowUserZoombooleanZooming (ctrl + mouse wheel) is allowed
autoFitTypenumberContent is formatted to fit in cells, or cells and headers. Available values:
vk auto fit type cell 0 The content autofits cells
vk auto fit type cell with header 1 The content autofits cells and headers
backColorstringA color string used to represent the background color of the area, such as "red", "#FFFF00", "rgb(255,0,0)", "Accent 5". The initial backgroundcolor is hidden when a backgroundImage is set.
backgroundImagestring / picture / fileBackground image for the area.
backgroundImageLayoutnumberHow the background image is displayed. Available values:
vk image layout center 1 In the center of the area.
vk image layout none 3 In the upper left corner of the area with its original size.
vk image layout stretch 0 Fills the area.
vk image layout zoom 2 Displayed with its original aspect ratio.
calcOnDemandbooleanFormulas are calculated only when they are demanded.
columnResizeModenumberResize mode for columns. Available values:
vk resize mode normal 0 Use normal resize mode (i.e remaining columns are affected)
vk resize mode split 1 Use split mode (i.e remaining columns are not affected)
copyPasteHeaderOptionsnumberHeaders to include when data is copied to or pasted. Available values:
vk copy paste header options all headers3 Includes selected headers when data is copied; overwrites selected headers when data is pasted.
vk copy paste header options column headers 2 Includes selected column headers when data is copied; overwrites selected column headers when data is pasted.
vk copy paste header options no headers0 Column and row headers are not included when data is copied; does not overwrite selected column or row headers when data is pasted.
vk copy paste header options row headers1 Includes selected row headers when data is copied; overwrites selected row headers when data is pasted.
customListcollectionThe list for users to customize drag fill, prioritize matching this list in each fill. Each collection item is a collection of strings. See on SpreadJS docs.
cutCopyIndicatorBorderColorstringBorder color for the indicator displayed when the user cuts or copies the selection.
cutCopyIndicatorVisiblebooleanDisplay an indicator when copying or cutting the selected item.
defaultDragFillTypenumberThe default drag fill type. Available values :
vk auto fill type auto 5 Automatically fills cells.
vk auto fill type clear values 4 Clears cell values.
vk auto fill type copycells 0 Fills cells with all data objects, including values, formatting, and formulas.
vk auto fill type fill formatting only 2 Fills cells only with formatting.
vk auto fill type fill series 1 Fills cells with series.
vk auto fill type fill without formatting 3 Fills cells with values and not formatting.
enableAccessibilitybooleanAccessibility support is enabled in the spreadsheet.
enableFormulaTextboxbooleanThe formula text box is enabled.
grayAreaBackColorstringA color string used to represent the background color of the gray area , such as "red", "#FFFF00", "rgb(255,0,0)", "Accent 5", and so on.
highlightInvalidDatabooleanInvalid data is highlighted.
iterativeCalculationbooleanEnables iterative calculation. See on SpreadJS docs.
iterativeCalculationMaximumChangenumericMaximum amount of change between two calculation values.
iterativeCalculationMaximumIterationsnumericNumber of times the formula should recalculate.
newTabVisiblebooleanDisplay a special tab to let users insert new sheets.
numbersFitModenumberChanges display mode when date/number data width is longer than column width. Available values:
vk numbers fit mode mask0 Replace data content with "###" and shows tip
vk numbers fit mode overflow 1 Display data content as a string. If next cell is empty, overflow the content.
pasteSkipInvisibleRangebooleanPaste or skip pasting data in invisible ranges:
  • False (default): paste data
  • True: Skip pasting in invisible ranges
See SpreadJS docs for more information on invisible ranges.
referenceStylenumberStyle for cell and range references in cell formulas. Available values:
vk reference style A1 0 Use A1 style.
vk reference style R1C1 1 Use R1C1 style
resizeZeroIndicatornumberDrawing policy when the row or column is resized to zero. Available values:
vk resize zero indicator default 0 Uses the current drawing policy when the row or column is resized to zero.
vk resize zero indicator enhanced 1 Draws two short lines when the row or column is resized to zero.
rowResizeModenumberThe way rows are resized. Available values are the same as columnResizeMode
scrollbarAppearancenumberScrollbar appearance. Available values:
vk scrollbar appearance mobile1 Mobile scrollbar appearance.
vk scrollbar appearance skin (default)0 Excel-like classic scrollbar appearance.
scrollbarMaxAlignbooleanThe scroll bar aligns with the last row and column of the active sheet.
scrollbarShowMaxbooleanThe displayed scroll bars are based on the entire number of columns and rows in the sheet.
scrollByPixelbooleanEnable precision scrolling by pixel.
scrollIgnoreHiddenbooleanThe scroll bar ignores hidden rows or columns.
scrollPixelintegerDecides scrolling by that number of pixels at a time when scrollByPixel is true. The final scrolling pixels are the result of scrolling delta * scrollPixel. For example: scrolling delta is 3, scrollPixel is 5, the final scrolling pixels are 15.
showDragDropTipbooleanDisplay the drag-drop tip.
showDragFillSmartTagbooleanDisplay the drag fill dialog.
showDragFillTipbooleanDisplay the drag-fill tip.
showHorizontalScrollbarbooleanDisplay the horizontal scroll bar.
showResizeTipnumberHow to display the resize tip. Available values:
vk show resize tip both 3 Horizontal and vertical resize tips are displayed.
vk show resize tip column 1 Only the horizontal resize tip is displayed.
vk show resize tip none 0 No resize tip is displayed.
vk show resize tip row 2 Only the vertical resize tip is displayed.
showScrollTipnumberHow to display the scroll tip. Available values:
vk show scroll tip both 3 Horizontal and vertical scroll tips are displayed.
vk show scroll tip horizontal 1 Only the horizontal scroll tip is displayed.
vk show scroll tip none No scroll tip is displayed.
vk show scroll tip vertical 2 Only the vertical scroll tip is displayed.
showVerticalScrollbarbooleanDisplay the vertical scroll bar.
tabEditablebooleanThe sheet tab strip can be edited.
tabNavigationVisiblebooleanDisplay the sheet tab navigation.
tabStripPositionnumberPosition of the tab strip. Available values:
vk tab strip position bottom 0 Tab strip position is relative to the bottom of the workbook.
vk tab strip position left 2 Tab strip position is relative to the left of the workbook.
vk tab strip position right 3 Tab strip position is relative to the right of the workbook.
vk tab strip position top 1 Tab strip position is relative to the top of the workbook.
tabStripRationumberPercentage value (0.x) that specifies how much of the horizontal space will be allocated to the tab strip. The rest of the horizontal area (1 - 0.x) will allocated to the horizontal scrollbar.
tabStripVisiblebooleanDisplay the sheet tab strip.
tabStripWidthnumberWidth of the tab strip when position is left or right. Default and minimum is 80.
useTouchLayoutbooleanWhether to use touch layout to present the Spread component.


To set the allowExtendpasteRange option in "ViewProArea":

var $workbookOptions : Object

$workbookOptions:= New Object

VP SET WORKBOOK OPTIONS("ViewProArea";$workbookOptions)

See also

VP Get workbook options