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WP Find previous

WP Find previous ( targetObj ; searchBefore ; searchValue ; searchCondition {; replaceValue} ) -> Function result

targetObjObject🡒Range or element or 4D Write Pro document
searchBeforeObject🡒Range before which to begin searching
searchValueString🡒Search value
searchConditionLongint🡒Search rule(s)
replaceValueString🡒Replacement string
Function resultObject🡐Range of the found/replaced value


The WP Find previous command searches the targetObj, prior to the searchBefore range, for the searchValue based on the searchCondition. An optional parameter can be used to replace any results found.

Note: WP Find previous does not search or replace text in formulas. Use the WP Get formulas command in this case.

In the targetObj parameter, pass an object containing:

  • a range, or
  • an element (table / row / cell(s) / paragraph / body / header / footer / section / subsection / text box), or
  • a 4D Write Pro document.

Pass a range in the searchBefore parameter. The search will begin immediately before the range defined.

Note: If targetObj is the 4D Write Pro document and searchBefore is in a text box, the command searches occurences first in the parent text box and then in previous text box(es), footer(s), header(s), and eventually body in descending order (according to the ordering below).

The searchValue parameter lets you pass the text to search for within the targetObj.

You can specify how the search is performed with the searchCondition parameter. You can use one (or a combination) of the following constants:

wk case insensitiveStrings are compared with no consideration of capitalization differences. Note that diacritical marks are taken into consideration. For example, "A" is considered the same as "a", however "a" is not considered the same as "à".
wk diacritic insensitiveStrings are compared but the diacritical mark (e.g., accent or symbol) of letters is ignored. For example, "a" is considered the same as "à".
wk find reverseSearch is performed in reverse order.
wk kana insensitiveFor Japanese language. Strings are compared according to the meaning (not the writing style). For example, "あ" is considered the same as "ア". When this option is set, wk width insensitive is implicit (considered set), however, the opposite is not true.
wk keep character styleWhen replacing text, the existing character style is retained (if possible).
wk override protectedRead/write protection is ignored and strings in protected areas can be replaced.
wk use keyboard languageFor string comparison, use the keyboard language property from the form object being edited instead of the current data language (default). Note: Ignored if the document is offscreen.
wk whole wordOnly strings that are complete words are considered. Matching strings within other strings are not considered. For example, "where" is not considered when found within "somewhere".
wk width insensitiveFor Japanese language. Strings are compared by character width. For example, "ア" is considered the same as "ア".

Note: Strings are compared to the current data language unless wk use keyboard language is used.

In the optional replaceValue parameter, you can pass text to take the place of any instance of the text in searchValue found in the targetObj.

Returned Range

The function returns a range of the value that was found or replaced:

  • search operations - the ranges match the found strings positions
  • replace operations - the ranges match the replaced strings positions

If targetObj is a range or element, found values are returned in the order they are found. If targetObj is a 4D Write Pro document, found values are returned in the following order:

  1. body
  2. first page header for section 1 (if any)
  3. first page footer for section 1 (if any)
  4. left page header for section 1 (if any)
  5. left page footer for section 1 (if any)
  6. right page header for section (if any)
  7. right page footer for section 1 (if any)
  8. main header for section 1 (if any)
  9. main footer for section 1 (if any)
  10. repeat with section 2, section 3, and so on.
  11. text boxes.

An empty range is returned if no results are found.


 var $userSel ;$target ;$alphaRanges ;$previousRanges: object
 var $options : Integer
  // define search options
 $options:=wk case insensitive+wk diacritic insensitive
  // get current user position
 $userSel:=WP Selection range(*;"WParea")
  // define target
 $target:=WP Get body(WParea) // search only inside the body
  // launch SEARCH of PREVIOUS occurences of the "alpha" string(based on current selection)
 $previousRanges:=WP Find previous($target;"alpha";$options)

See also

WP Find all
WP Find next