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WP Get elements

WP Get elements ( targetObj {; elementType} ) -> Function result

targetObjObject🡒Range or element or 4D Write Pro document
elementTypeLongint🡒Desired type of element to retrieve
Function resultCollection🡐Collection containing element references


The WP Get elements command returns a collection of objects containing paragraphs, images, tables and/or rows.

In the targetObj parameter, you can pass:

  • a range, or
  • an element (table / row / paragraph / body / header / footer / section / subsection / text box), or
  • a 4D Write Pro document

Note: If you pass a subsection in targetObj, the command returns the elements of the parent section.

If a typed range or element is passed, the command will return a collection containing only elements of the corresponding type (unless you specify a type with the elementType parameter, see below). Otherwise, the command returns a collection containing all of the available elements in targetObj.

Optionally, you can pass the elementType parameter to specify the types of elements to return in the collection. The following types are available:

wk type default0Default range type
wk type image2Anchored and/or inline images
wk type image anchored200Anchored image reference for document objects
wk type image inline100Inline image reference for document objects
wk type paragraph1Paragraph type range
wk type table4Table reference
wk type table row5Table row reference
wk type text box300Text box (value for wk type)


  • If you pass the wk type default selector, the command returns an unfiltered collection.
  • If you pass the wk type paragraph, wk type image or wk type table selector, the returned collection will contain only elements of the given type, even if it differs from the type specified in the elementType parameter.
  • If a range passed in targetObj contains an element that is not fully contained within the range, the entire element will be included in the results. For example, if the range includes part of a table (but not the entire table), the reference for the entire table element is returned, however only the cell (paragraph) references within the range are included.
  • If you pass wk type text box in the elementType parameter, targetObj can only contain a 4D Write Pro document. An error is returned if you pass anything but a document object in targetObj in this case.
How elements are sorted

The elements in the returned collection are ordered differently depending on the targetObj contents:

  • If you passed a range or an element in targetObj (paragraph, table, body, header, footer…), elements in the collection are sorted in the order of the document flow (in the same order as they appear in the document).
  • If you passed a 4D Write Pro document in targetObj, since all document areas are returned, elements in the collection are sorted by their ID (except anchored images when the wk type image anchored parameter is used; in this case, they are sorted by z-order). Inline elements of type elementType present in text boxes (if any) are returned at the end of the collection.

If you want for example to alternate background color for paragraphs in the body part of a document, you need to pass the body element in targetObj and not the document, to make sure the element order in the collection corresponds to the document paragraph order.

Example 1

You want to return a collection of all the paragraphs in a document:

 var $docElements : Collection
 $docElements:=WP Get elements($myDoc;wk type paragraph)
  //returns a collection containing only paragraph elements

Example 2

You want to alternate the alignment and color of the paragraphs in a document:

 var $col : Collection
 var $obj : Object
 var $body : Object
 var $i;$n : Integer
 $col:=New collection
 $body:=WP Get body(myDoc)
 $col:=WP Get elements($body;wk type paragraph)
    WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk font bold;wk false)
    WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk font italic;wk false)
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk text align;wk left)
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk font bold;wk true)
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk text color;"#804040")
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk margin right;"5cm")
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk margin left;"1cm")
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk text align;wk right)
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk font italic;wk true)
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk text color;"#404020")
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk margin left;"5cm")
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($obj;wk margin right;"1cm")
    End if
 End for

See also

WP Get breaks
WP Get element by ID
WP Table range