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WP Get position

WP Get position ( targetObj {; layout} ) -> Function result

targetObjObject🡒Range or element or 4D Write Pro document
layoutLongint🡒4D Write Pro document layout used for evaluation: 0 (default)=4D Write Pro layout, 1=HTML WYSIWYG
Function resultObject🡐Position information


The WP Get position command returns an object describing the current position of targetObj.

In the targetObj parameter, you can pass:

  • a range, or
  • an element (table / row / paragraph / body / header / footer / picture / section / subsection / text box), or
  • a 4D Write Pro document

The command returns the position information in an object with the following properties:

Property nameTypeDescription
sectionNumberNumber of the first section which intersects targetObj
pageNumberNumber of the first page which intersects targetObj
columnNumberIndex of the first column which intersects targetObj (1-based)
lineNumberIndex of the first line which intersects targetObj (relative to the column - or page if none column - 1-based)
positionNumberPosition in the line of the first character of targetObj (1-based)
boundsObjectCoordinates of the bounding rectangle of the targetObj, expressed in current document unit and relatively to the top left corner of the page. Padding and border sizes (if any) are taken into account; margins and rulers are not taken into account.
topNumberTop coordinate of the rectangle
leftNumberLeft coordinate of the rectangle
bottomNumberBottom coordinate of the rectangle
rightNumberRight coordinate of the rectangle
rangeHeightNumberHeight of the bounding rectangle of the targetObj. This value can be different from if the targetObj extends over several columns (see example 4)

If targetObj is an empty range, WP Get position returns the position information at range start. Note that in case of an empty range of the default type (text), the range height (rangeHeight or is the cursor height and the range width (bounds.right-bounds.left) is 1 pixel.
If targetObj is text in a header or footer, WP Get position returns the position information where the header and footer is displayed in the first section/page.
If targetObj is an anchored image (that can be replicated on several pages), WP Get position returns the position information where the image is anchored in the first section/page.
If targetObj is a subsection, WP Get position returns the position information of the first page of the parent section.

The optional layout parameter can be used to set the HTML wysiwyg view for the targetObj evaluation. You can pass one of the following constants from the "4D Write Pro" theme:

wk 4D Write Pro layoutLongint0Standard 4D Write Pro layout, which can include some specific style attributes
wk html wysiwygLongint1In this layout, any 4D Write Pro advanced attributes which are not compliant with all browsers are removed (e.g. columns, double underlines...)

If layout is omitted, the 4D Write Pro layout is used by default.

Notes about performance

  • The same viewing settings as for the WP PRINT command are used with WP Get position:
    • headers: visible
    • footers: visible
    • expressions: computed and displayed
    • page mode: page or draft (HTML wysiwyg view as defined by the command)
      If targetObj is displayed in a 4D Write Pro form area, make sure that viewing settings of the area match the command viewing settings to get consistent information. Note also that if these settings are different in the area, 4D Write Pro will have to "clone" the document to calculate the layout at each call of the command, which can be time consuming. For performance reasons, it is recommended in this case to build the document offline and to copy it to the form object area only when the build is complete.
  • This command should not be called within events that are frequently generated (such as On After Edit) since result.rangeHeight for example could require time consuming rendering calculations that have to be done at each event call.

Example 1

You want to know the page number of a range:

 var $range;$rangePosition : Object
 $range:=WP Text range(WParea) //range from user selection
 $rangePosition:=WP Get position($range;wk 4D Write Pro layout)
 ALERT("First page number in selection is "+String($

Example 2

You want to set to blue color the text in the first and last pages of the document:

 var $nbPages : Integer
 var $body : Object
 var $_paragraphs : Collection
 $nbPages:=WP Get page count([DOC]Sample)
 $body:=WP Get body([DOC]Sample)
 $_paragraphs:=WP Get elements($body;wk type paragraph)
 For each($paragraph;$_paragraphs)
    $info:=WP Get position($paragraph)
    If($|($$nbPages) //first and last page paragraphs in blue
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($paragraph;wk text color;"blue")
    Else //other pages paragraphs in black
       WP SET ATTRIBUTES($paragraph;wk text color;"black")
    End if
 End for each

Example 3

While building a document, you want to avoid paragraph splits:

 var WParea;$body : Object
 var $_paragraphs : Collection
 WParea:=WP New
 $body:=WP Get body([DOC]Sample)
 $_paragraphs:=WP Get elements($body;wk type paragraph)
 For each($paragraph;$_paragraphs)
    $insert:=WP New($paragraph)
  //memorize current range and page number
    $rangeBefore:=WP Text range(WParea;wk end text;wk end text)
    $info:=WP Get position($rangeBefore)
  //insert the contents, keep the range untouched
    WP INSERT DOCUMENT($rangeBefore;$insert;wk append;wk exclude from range)
  //check the position after insertion
    $rangeAfter:=WP Text range(WParea;wk end text;wk end text)
    $info:=WP Get position($rangeAfter)
    If($memoPage#$ // if the page has changed, insert a page break
       WP INSERT BREAK($rangeBefore;wk page break;wk replace)
    End if
 End for each

Example 4

The following examples illustrate the returned bounding rectangle coordinates, depending on the targetObj.

 $default:=WP Text range(WPArea) //default (text) range
 $textCoordinates:=WP Get position($default) //red dotted line
 $paragraph:=WP Create paragraph range($default) //paragraph range
 $paraCoordinates:=WP Get position($paragraph) // green dotted line

Red dotted line: $textCoordinates object values Green dotted line: $ paraCoordinates object values

Note: In case of a display on several columns, the rangeHeight property (plain lines) could be larger than (dotted lines):

See also