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WP Get subsection

WP Get subsection ( targetObj ) | (wpSection ; subSectionType ) -> Function result

targetObjObject🡒Range or element
wpSectionObject🡒4D Write Pro section
subSectionTypeLongint🡒Subsection type (wk first page, wk left page, or wk right page)
Function resultObject🡐Subsection


The WP Get subsection command returns first subsection intersected by the targetObj range or element, or to the specified subSectionType subsection of the wpSection section.

  • With the first syntax (using the targetObj parameter), the command returns the first subsection which intersects the range or the element. If no subsection intersects the range or the element, a null object is returned. You can pass in targetObj:
    • a range, or
    • an element (table / row / paragraph / body / text box / header / footer ).
      If the range or element is or belongs to a header, a footer, or a text box, WP Get subsection returns the subsection to which the targetObj is attached. If the targetObj is not attached to a subsection, a null object is returned.
      If the range or element belongs to an anchored picture, an error is returned.
  • With the second syntax (using the wpSection and subSectionType parameters), the command returns a wpSubSection object (child of wpSection) of the the subSectionType type. Pass one of the following constants in the subSectionType parameter:
wk first pageLongint1
wk left pageLongint2
wk right pageLongint3

If no subSectionType subsection is defined for the specified wpSection, the command returns an undefined object (no error is returned).


You want to apply a blue background on left pages:

 var $section;$subsection : Object
  //Retrieve the reference on the first section
 $section:=WP Get section(wpDoc;1)
  //Retrieve the reference on the left subsection of the first section
 $subsection:=WP Get subsection($section;wk left page)
  //If the subsection exists, set the background to blue
    WP SET ATTRIBUTES($subsection;wk background color;"#87CEEB")
    ALERT("Please, create left and right subsections.")
 End if

See also

WP Get section
WP New subsection