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WP INSERT PICTURE ( targetObj ; picture ; mode {; rangeUpdate} )

targetObjObject🡒Range or element or 4D Write Pro document
picturePicture🡒Picture field or variable, or path to picture file on disk
modeLongint🡒Insertion mode
rangeUpdateLongint🡒Range update mode


The WP INSERT PICTURE command inserts the picture in the targetObj according to the specified insertion mode and rangeUpdate parameter. The picture will be inserted as a character in the targetObj.

In targetObj, pass:

  • a range, or
  • an element (table / row / paragraph / body / header / footer / inline picture / section / subsection), or
  • a 4D Write Pro document.

In picture, you can pass:

  • a picture field or variable, or
  • a file path (string) to a picture file stored on disk, in the system syntax.
    If you use a string, you can pass either a full pathname, or a pathname relative to the database structure file. You can also pass a file name, in which case the file must be located next to the database structure file. If you pass a file name, you must indicate the file extension.

Any picture format supported by 4D can be used (see the Pictures section). You can get the list of available picture formats using the PICTURE CODEC LIST command. If the picture encapsulates several formats (codecs), 4D Write Pro only keeps one format for display and one format for printing (if different) in the document; the "best" formats are automatically selected.

In the mode parameter, pass one of the following constants to indicate the insertion mode to be used on the picture in the document:

wk appendLongint2Insert contents at end of target
wk prependLongint1Insert contents at beginning of target
wk replaceLongint0Replace target contents
  • If targetObj is a range, you can use the optional rangeUpdate parameter to pass one of the following constants to specify whether or not the inserted picture is included in the resulting range:
wk exclude from rangeLongint1Inserted contents not included in updated range
wk include in rangeLongint0Inserted contents included in updated range (default)

If you do not pass a rangeUpdate parameter, by default the inserted picture is included in the resulting range.

  • If targetObj is not a range, rangeUpdate is ignored.


In the following example, a user selects the picture they want to insert into the range object and will be warned if this picture could not be inserted:

 var $wpRange : Object
 $wpRange:=WP Get selection([EXAMPLES]wpDoc)
 var $fail : Boolean
  //ask user to choose a picture on the disk that they want to insert
 $imgRef:=Open document("")
  //if user does not cancel
  //if the file is a supported picture file
    If(Is picture file(document))
  // insert picture selected by user
       WP INSERT PICTURE($wpRange;document;wk replace)
    End if
 End if
  //if the insertion failed, alert the user
    ALERT("Picture insertion failed")
 End if

See also

WP Picture range