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WP Insert table

WP Insert table ( targetObj ; mode {; rangeUpdate {; nbCols {; nbRows}}} ) -> Function result

targetObjObject🡒Range or element or 4D Write Pro document
modeLongint🡒Insertion mode
rangeUpdateLongint🡒Range update mode
nbColsLongint🡒Number of columns to set in the table
nbRowsLongint🡒Number of rows to set in the table
Function resultObject🡐Table object


The WP Insert table command inserts a new table in the targetObj according to the specified insertion mode and returns the corresponding new table object. Optionally, you can pass a rangeUpdate parameter as well as a predefined number of columns and rows in nbCols and nbRows.

In targetObj, pass:

  • a range, or
  • an element (table / paragraph / body / header / footer / inline picture / section / subsection), or
  • a 4D Write Pro document.

Note: If targetObj is a table, the newly inserted table will replace or be inserted before or after it, depending on the mode used. Inserting a table within another table is not possible.

In the mode parameter, pass one of the following constants to indicate the insertion mode to be used for the table in the document:

wk appendLongint2Insert contents at end of target
wk prependLongint1Insert contents at beginning of target
wk replaceLongint0Replace target contents
  • If targetObj is a range, you can use the optional rangeUpdate parameter to pass one of the following constants to specify whether or not the inserted table is included in the resulting range:
wk exclude from rangeLongint1Inserted contents not included in updated range
wk include in rangeLongint0Inserted contents included in updated range (default)

If you do not pass a rangeUpdate parameter, by default the inserted table is included in the resulting range.

  • If targetObj is not a range, rangeUpdate is ignored.

You can pass in nbCols and nbRows the number of columns and rows to define in the table. By default, if nbCols and nbRows are omitted, a new table with 0 column and 0 row is created. You will then be able to add these elements using the WP Table append row command.

The command returns the new table as a table object, that you can pass thereafter to the other WP table commands. The table is created with default font, border, and color attributes that you can customize using the WP SET ATTRIBUTES command.


In a blank document, you want to add a new table with 3 columns and 2 rows:

 var $WPRange;$WPTable : Object
 $WPRange:=WP Text range(WParea;wk start text;wk end text)
 $WPTable:=WP Insert table($WPRange;wk append;wk exclude from range;3;2)


See also

WP Table append row
WP Table get rows