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WP New text box

WP New text box ( wpDoc ; pageNum ) -> Function result

wpDocObject🡒4D Write Pro document
pageNumNumber🡒Page number where to anchor the text box
Function resultObject🡐Text box object


The WP New text box command creates and returns a new text box object in the page pageNum of wpDoc.

Note: For more information on text boxes, please refer to the Handling text boxes paragraph.

In the wpDoc parameter, pass a 4D Write Pro document.

In pageNum, pass the page number to which the text box must be anchored. It pageNum < 0 the page number 1 is used (no error is generated).

The command creates a new text box element with the following default attributes:

  • width = 8 cm,
  • height = auto,
  • solid black border 1 pt,
  • padding = 4 pt,
  • margin = 0 pt,
  • background color = white,
  • id = "textBoxN" where N is a number,
  • anchored in front of the body at the top left corner of the page rectangle (like an anchored picture, a text box can be anchored to embedded mode, or to a section, to all sections or to a subsection in page mode, and to the background or front layer.)

See the 4D Write Pro Attributes section for detailed description of these attributes. .

The new text box is rendered only on the page pageNum, so it may not be rendered if:

  • there is no page with the passed page number
  • the current display mode is embedded or draft

However, the text box still exists and is owned by the document even if not rendered.

Example 1

You want to create a default, empty text box:

 $textBox:=WP New text box(WParea;1)


Example 2

In a template of a letter, you want to add a text box to display the address of the recipient (which is stored in the context):

  // #1 create the text box
 $textBox:=WP New text box(WParea;1)
  // #2 define some text box attributes
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($textBox;wk id;"AddressArea")
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($textBox;wk anchor origin;wk paper box)
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($textBox;wk anchor horizontal align;wk left;wk vertical align;wk top)
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($textBox;wk anchor horizontal offset;$form.offsetX.values[$form.offsetX.index])
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($textBox;wk anchor vertical offset;$form.offsetY.values[$form.offsetY.index])
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($textBox;wk width;$form.width.values[$form.width.index])
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($textBox;wk height;$form.height.values[$form.height.index])
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($textBox;wk padding;$form.padding.values[$form.padding.index]) // inside margins
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($textBox;wk border style;wk dashed;wk border color;"Blue";wk border width;"1pt";wk border radius;"10pt")
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($textBox;wk vertical align;wk center)
  // #3: define the formulas inside the text box
 WP INSERT FORMULA($textBox;Formula(;wk append)
 WP INSERT BREAK($textBox;wk paragraph break;wk append)
 WP INSERT FORMULA($textBox;Formula(;wk append)
  // #4: Style the content of the text box
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($textBox;wk font;"Arial";wk font bold;wk true;wk font size;"18pt")


See also