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WP Text range

WP Text range ( targetObj ; startRange ; endRange ) -> Function result

targetObjObject🡒Range or element or 4D Write Pro document
startRangeLongint🡒Starting offset of range in the area
endRangeLongint🡒Ending offset of range in the area
Function resultObject🡐Range object


WP Text range was named WP Create range in previous versions of 4D Write Pro. It has been renamed for clarity.


The WP Text range command returns a new range object containing the selection between startRange and endRange in the targetObj.

A 4D Write Pro range object can be used to handle attributes on a text selection (in particular with the WP GET ATTRIBUTES and WP SET ATTRIBUTES commands). For more information, refer to the Range handling commands paragraph.

You can pass in targetObj:

  • a range, or
  • an element (table / row / paragraph / inline picture/ body / header / footer / section / subsection), or
  • 4D Write Pro document

If no valid object is passed in the targetObj parameter, an empty range is returned.

In startRange and endRange, pass values corresponding to the position of the first and last characters to select in the document. You can pass wk start text in startRange to define the beginning of the document, and wk end text in endRange to define the end of the document. Keep in mind that a 4D Write Pro document not only contains visible text, but also formatting tags that are included in the range.

Note: If you passed a table, row, paragraph, inline picture, body, header, footer, section or subsection element reference in targetObj, startRange and endRange will be relative to the element range starting and ending index. For example, if a header is passed, wk start text designates the header starting character and wk end text the header ending character; if a table element reference is passed, the command will return a text range relative to the table referenced by targetObj; if a section is passed, startRange and endRange are relative to the document body (parent area of a range created from a section). See example 2.

Example 1

You want to select a range of 12 characters starting from the beginning of the 4D Write Pro field. The field is displayed in a form object:

If you execute:

 $range2:=WP Text range([SAMPLE]WP;wk start text;12)
 WP SELECT(*;"WParea";$range2)

...the result is:

Example 2

You want to create a range from a section:

 var $wpRange : Object
 $wpRange:=WP Text range(wpSection;1;11) //return a range made of the first 10 characters of the section
  //if section starts at 100 in the document:
  //$wpRange.start = 100
  //$wpRange.end = 111

See also

WP Bookmark range
WP Get body
WP Get header
WP Paragraph range
WP Picture range
WP Selection range
WP Table range