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BOOLEAN ARRAY FROM SET ( booleanArr {; set} )

booleanArrBoolean array🡘Array to indicate if a record is in the set or not
setString🡒Name of the set or UserSet if this parameter is omitted


The BOOLEAN ARRAY FROM SET command fills an array of Booleans indicating if each record in the table is or is not in set.

The elements in the array are ordered in the order in which the records are created in the table (absolute record numbers). If N is the number of records in the table, element 0 of the array corresponds to record number 0, element 1 of the array corresponds to record number 1, etc.

Each element of the array is:

  • True if the corresponding record belongs to the set.
  • False if the corresponding record does not belong to the set.

Warning: The total number of elements in the booleanArr array is not significant. For structural reasons, this number can be different from the number of records actually present in the table. Possible extra elements are set to False.

If you don’t pass the set parameter, the command will use UserSet in the current process.

See also