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COMBINE PICTURES ( resultingPict ; pict1 ; operator ; pict2 {; horOffset ; vertOffset} )

resultingPictPicture🡘Picture resulting from combination
pict1Picture🡒First picture to combine
operatorLongint🡒Type of combination to be done
pict2Picture🡒Second picture to combine
horOffsetLongint🡒Horizontal offset for superimposition
vertOffsetLongint🡒Vertical offset for superimposition


The COMBINE PICTURES command combines the pict1 and pict2 pictures in operator mode in order to produce a third, resultingPict. The resulting picture is of the compound type and keeps all the characteristics of the source pictures.

Note: This command extends the functionalities offered by the conventional picture combination operators (+/, etc., see the C_BOOLEAN section). These operators remain entirely usable in 4D v11.

In operator, pass the type of combination to be applied. Three types of combinations, which can be accessed via the constants of the “Picture Transformation” theme, are proposed:

  • Horizontal concatenation (1): pict2 is attached to pict1, the top left corner of pict2 coincides with the top right corner of pict1.
  • Vertical concatenation (2): pict2 attached to pict1, the top left corner of pict2 coincides with the lower left corner of pict1.
  • Superimposition (3): pict2 is placed over pict1, the top left corner of pict2 coincides with the top left corner of pict1.
    If the optional horOffset and vertOffset parameters are used, a translation is applied to pict2 before superimposition. The values passed in horOffset and vertOffset must correspond to pixels. Pass positive values for an offset to the right or towards the bottom and a negative value for an offset to the left or towards the top.

Note: Superimposition carried out by the COMBINE PICTURES command differs from the superimposition provided by the conventional & and |operators (exclusive and inclusive superimposition). While the COMBINE PICTURES command preserves the characteristics of each source picture in the resulting picture, the & and | operators process each pixel and generate a bitmap picture in all cases. These operators, originally intended for black and white pictures, are now obsolete.


Given the following pictures:

 COMBINE PICTURES(flag;mybackground;Superimposition;mycircle;50;30)


See also