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Convert to text

Convert to text ( blob ; charSet ) -> Function result

blobBLOB🡒BLOB containing text expressed in a specific character set
charSetString, Longint🡒Name or Number of BLOB character set
Function resultText🡐Contents of BLOB expressed in 4D character set


The Convert to text command converts the text contained in the blob parameter and returns it in text expressed in the character set of 4D. 4D uses the UTF-16 character set by default.

In charSet, pass the character set of the text contained in blob, which will be used for the conversion. If the BLOB contains text copied from within 4D, then the BLOB’s text is likely to be in the UTF-16 character set. You can pass a string providing the standard name of the character set, or one of its aliases (for example, “ISO-8859-1” or “UTF-8”), or its identifier (longint). For more information, please refer to the description of the CONVERT FROM TEXT command.

Convert to text supports Byte Order Marks (BOMs). If the character set specified is of the Unicode type (UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32), 4D attempts to identify a BOM among the first bytes received. If one is detected, it is filtered out of the result and 4D uses the character set that it defines instead of the one specified.

System variables and sets

If the command has been correctly executed, the OK variable is set to 1. Otherwise, it is set to 0.

See also