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Count in array

Count in array ( array ; value ) -> Function result

arrayArray🡒Array where count should occur
valueExpression🡒Value to count
Function resultLongint🡐Number of instances found


The Count in array command returns the number of times value is found in array.

This command can be used with the following array types: Text, number, Date, Pointer, Object, and Boolean. The array and value parameters must be the same type or compatible.

Note: With Object arrays, you can only use object references in the value parameter.

If no element in array matches value, the command returns 0.

Example 1

The following example allows displaying the number of selected lines in a list box:

  //tBList is the name of a List box column array
 ALERT(String(Count in array(tBList;True))+" line(s) selected in the list box")

Example 2

You want to count object references in an object array:

 ARRAY OBJECT($objects;100)
 var $n : Integer
 $n:=Count in array($objects;$o1) // n = 3 
 $n:=Count in array($objects;$o2) // n = 0

See also

Find in array
Find in sorted array