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Current date

Current date {( * )} -> Function result

*Operator🡒Returns the current date from the server
Function resultDate🡐Current date


The Current date command returns the current date as kept by the system clock.

4D Server: If you use the asterisk (*) parameter when executing this function on a 4D Client machine, it returns the current date from the server.

Example 1

The following example displays an alert box containing the current date:

 ALERT("The date is "+String(Current date)+".")

Example 2

If you write an application for the international market, you may need to know if the version of 4D that you run works with dates formatted as MM/DD/YYYY (US version) or DD/MM/YYYY (French version). This is useful to know for customizing data entry fields.

The following project method allows you to do so:

  // Sys date format global function
  // Sys date format -> String
  // Sys date format -> Default 4D data format
 var $1;$vlPos : Integer
 var $vdDate : Date
  // Get a Date value where the month, day and year values are all different
 $vdDate:=Current date
    $vsMonth:=String(Month of($vdDate))
    $vsDay:=String(Day of($vdDate))
    $vsYear:=String(Year of($vdDate)%100)
    End if
 $0:="" // Initialize function result
 $vlPos:=Position("/";$vsDate) // Find the first / separator in the string ../../..
 $vsMDY:=Substring($vsDate;1;$vlPos-1) // Extract the first digits from the date
 $vsDate:=Substring($vsDate;$vlPos+1) // Eliminate the first digits as well as the first / separator
 Case of
    :($vsMDY=$vsMonth) // The digits express the month
    :($vsMDY=$vsDay) // The digits express the day
    :($vsMDY=$vsYear) // The digits express the year
 End case
 $0:=$0+"/" // Start building the function result
 $vlPos:=Position("/";$vsDate) // Find the second separator in the string ../..
 $vsMDY:=Substring($vsDate;1;$vlPos-1) // Extract the next digits from the date
 $vsDate:=Substring($vsDate;$vlPos+1) // Reduce the string to the last digits from the date
 Case of
    :($vsMDY=$vsMonth) // The digits express the month
    :($vsMDY=$vsDay) // The digits express the day
    :($vsMDY=$vsYear) // The digits express the year
 End case
 $0:=$0+"/" // Pursue building the function result
 Case of
    :($vsDate=$vsMonth) // The digits express the month
    :($vsDate=$vsDay) // The digits express the day
    :($vsDate=$vsYear) // The digits express the year
 End case
  // At this point $0 is equal to MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY or...

See also

Day of
Month of
Year of