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Dynamic pop up menu

Dynamic pop up menu ( menu {; default {; xCoord ; yCoord}} ) -> Function result

menuMenuRef🡒Menu reference
defaultString🡒Parameter of item selected by default
xCoordLongint🡒X coordinate of top left corner
yCoordLongint🡒Y coordinate of top left corner
Function resultString🡐Parameter of selected menu item


The Dynamic pop up menu causes a hierarchical pop-up menu to appear at the current location of the mouse or at the location set by the optional xCoord and yCoord parameters.

The hierarchical menu used must have been created using the Create menu command. The reference returned by Create menu must then be passed in the menu parameter.

Note: The Pop up menu command (“User Interface” theme) can be used to create pop-up menus based on text.

In conformity with standard interface rules, this command must generally be called in response to a right mouse click or when the button is held down a certain period of time (context menu for example).

The optional default parameter can be used to set an item of the popup menu as selected by default whenever the menu appears. In this parameter, pass a custom string associated with the menu item. This string must have been set beforehand using the SET MENU ITEM PARAMETER command. If you do not pass this parameter, the first item of the menu will be selected by default.

Note: Only a top level menu item can be selected by default.

The optional xCoord and yCoord parameters can be used to specify the location of the pop-up menu to be displayed. In the xCoord and yCoord parameters, pass the horizontal and vertical coordinates, respectively, of the top left corner of the menu. These coordinates must be expressed in pixels in the local coordinate system of the current form. Both parameters must be passed together; if only one of them is passed, it will be ignored.

If you want to display a pop-up menu associated with a 3D button, then do not pass the optional xCoord and yCoord parameters. In this case, 4D automatically calculates the location of the menu with respect to the button according to the interface standards of the current platform (the 3D button must have the "With pop-up menu/Linked" or "With pop-up menu/Separated" property).

If a menu item has been selected, the command returns its associated custom character string (such as it has been defined using the SET MENU ITEM PARAMETER command). Otherwise, the command returns an empty string.

Starting with 4D v16 R3: If a standard action is associated to a menu item, it is taken into account by the Dynamic pop up menu command at several levels:

  • If an associated standard action is not enabled (i.e. it cannot be invoked) in the context of the pop up menu, the item is automatically hidden. You can know if an action is enabled using the Get action info command.
  • Items with a toggle associated action are automatically checked, unchecked or "mixed" depending on the selection.
  • If the action title has been set to the item using the ak standard action title constant, the localized name is displayed in the menu.
  • When the item is selected, the associated standard action is invoked (execution is asynchronous).


This code allows creating a hierarchical dynamic pop up menu built upon standard actions:

 var $refMainContextMenu;$refMenuEdit : Text
 $refMainContextMenu:=Create menu
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMainContextMenu;"-")
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMainContextMenu;ak standard action title)
 SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY($refMainContextMenu;-1;Associated standard action;ak select all)
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMainContextMenu;ak standard action title)
 SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY($refMainContextMenu;-1;Associated standard action;ak clear)
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMainContextMenu;ak standard action title)
 SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY($refMainContextMenu;-1;Associated standard action;ak copy)
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMainContextMenu;ak standard action title)
 SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY($refMainContextMenu;-1;Associated standard action;ak cut)
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMainContextMenu;ak standard action title)
 SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY($refMainContextMenu;-1;Associated standard action;ak paste)
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMainContextMenu;"-")
  //sub menu text edit
 $refMenuEdit:=Create menu
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMenuEdit;ak standard action title)
 SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY($refMenuEdit;-1;Associated standard action;ak font bold)
 SET MENU ITEM SHORTCUT($refMenuEdit;-1;Character code("B"))
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMenuEdit;ak standard action title)
 SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY($refMenuEdit;-1;Associated standard action;ak font italic)
 SET MENU ITEM SHORTCUT($refMenuEdit;-1;Character code("I"))
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMenuEdit;ak standard action title)
 SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY($refMenuEdit;-1;Associated standard action;ak font linethrough)
 SET MENU ITEM SHORTCUT($refMenuEdit;-1;Character code("L"))
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMenuEdit;ak standard action title)
 SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY($refMenuEdit;-1;Associated standard action;ak font underline)
 SET MENU ITEM SHORTCUT($refMenuEdit;-1;Character code("U"))
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMenuEdit;ak standard action title)
 SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY($refMenuEdit;-1;Associated standard action;ak font show dialog)
 APPEND MENU ITEM($refMainContextMenu;"Edit";$refMenuEdit)
 paramRef:=Dynamic pop up menu($refMainContextMenu)

See also

Get menu item parameter
Get selected menu item parameter
Pop up menu