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FORM EDIT ( {aTable ;} form )

aTableTable🡒Table owning the form or If omitted: default table or use of project form
formString🡒Form name


The FORM EDIT command opens the form associated to aTable in the 4D Form editor. Note that you must have access to the Design environment, otherwise the error -9804 ("Cannot open form") is generated.

The command is asynchronous: it returns immediately to the calling method and does not wait for the form to be open.

If you pass the optional aTable parameter, you indicate the table associated with form. If you omit this parameter, you indicate that form is a project form.

In the form parameter, pass the name of the form to open in the 4D Form editor. If you pass a name that does not exist, the error 81 is generated ("Form not found").


To open the Contacts table Address form:

 FORM EDIT([Contacts];"Address")

To open the ContactList project form:

 FORM EDIT("ContactList")

See also

Design Object Access Commands