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GET LIST ITEM PARAMETER ARRAYS ( {* ;} list ; itemRef | * ; arrSelection {; arrValues} )

*Operator🡒If specified, list is an object name (string)If omitted, list is a list reference number
listListRef, String🡒List reference number (if * omitted) orName of list type object (if * passed)
itemRef | *Longint, Operator🡒Item reference number or 0 for the last item appended to the list or * for the current list item
arrSelectionText array🡘Array of parameter names
arrValuesText array🡘Array of parameter values


The GET LIST ITEM PARAMETER ARRAYS command lets you retrieve all the parameters in a single call (as well as, optionally, their values) that are associated with the itemRef item in the hierarchical list whose reference or object name is passed in the list parameter.

Parameters associated with items store additional information about each item. They are set using the SET LIST ITEM PARAMETER command.

If you pass the first optional * parameter, this indicates that list is an object name (string) corresponding to a list representation in the form. If you do not pass this parameter, this indicates that list is a hierarchical list reference (ListRef). If you use a single list representation or work with structural items (second * omitted), you can use either syntax. However, if you use several representations of the same list and work with the current item (second * passed), you must use the syntax based on the object name because each representation may have its own current item.

GET LIST ITEM PARAMETER ARRAYS returns parameters set for the itemRef item in the arrSelectors text array. When the arrValues text array is passed, the command uses it to return the values associated with these parameters.

arrValues must be a text type array. If you have associated values that are not Text (number or Boolean), they are converted to strings (True="1", False="0").


Given the following hierarchical list:

 <>HL:=New list
 APPEND TO LIST(<>HL;"Martin";$ID)
  //5 parameters
 SET LIST ITEM PARAMETER(<>HL;$ID;"Firstname";"Phil")
 SET LIST ITEM PARAMETER(<>HL;$ID;"Birthday";"01/02/1978")
 SET LIST ITEM PARAMETER(<>HL;$ID;"Male";True) //Boolean
 SET LIST ITEM PARAMETER(<>HL;$ID;"Age";33) //number

For more simplicity, the list was associated with a list object having the same name ("<>HL").
When the item "Martin" is selected in the list, you can retrieve its parameters by executing the following code:

 ARRAY TEXT(arrParamNames;0)
  // arrParamNames{1} contains "Firstname"
  // arrParamNames{2} contains "Birthday"
  // arrParamNames{3} contains "Male"
  // arrParamNames{4} contains "Age"
  // arrParamNames{5} contains "City"

If you want to get the parameter values as well, you write:

 ARRAY TEXT(arrParamNames;0)
 ARRAY TEXT(arrParamValues;0)
 GET LIST ITEM PARAMETER ARRAYS(*;"<>HL";*;arrParamNames;arrParamValues)
  // arrParamValues{1} contains "Phil"
  // arrParamValues{2} contains "01/02/1978"
  // arrParamValues{3} contains "1"
  // arrParamValues{4} contains "33"
  // arrParamValues{5} contains "Dallas"

See also