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Get printed height

Get printed height -> Function result

Function resultLongint🡐Position of the marker


The Get printed height command returns the overall height (in pixels) of the section printed using the Print form command.

The value returned will be included between 0 (the top edge of the page) and the overall height returned by the GET PRINTABLE AREA command (the maximum size of the printable area).

If you print a new section using the Print form command, the height of the new section is added to this value. If the printable area available is insufficient to contain this section, a new page is generated and the value returned is 0.

The right and left printable margins, unlike the top and bottom margins (which may be defined using the SET PRINTABLE MARGIN command), do not influence the value returned.

Note: For more information regarding Printing management and terminology in 4D, refer to the GET PRINTABLE MARGIN command description.

See also

Print form