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GRAPH ( graphPicture ; graphNumber | graphSettings ; xLabels {; yElements} {; yElements2 ; ... ; yElementsN} )

graphPicturePicture variable🡒Picture variable
graphNumber | graphSettingsLongint, Object🡒Longint: Graph type number, Object: Graph settings
xLabelsArray🡒Labels for the x-axis
yElementsArray🡒Data to graph (up to eight allowed)


GRAPH draws a graph for a picture variable on the basis of values coming from arrays.

The graphs generated by this command are drawn using the integrated SVG rendering engine. They have interface functions associated with picture variables: a context menu in Application mode (to let you choose, more particularly, the display format), scrollbars, and so on.

Note: SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a graphics file format (.svg extension). Based on XML, this format is widespread and can be displayed more particularly in Web browsers. For more information, please refer to the following address: The SVG EXPORT TO PICTURE command can also be used to take advantage of the integrated SVG engine.

In the graphPicture parameter, pass the name of the picture variable that displays the graph in the form.

The second parameter specifies the type of graph that will be drawn. You have two options:

  • pass a graphNumber parameter of the Longint type (all versions of 4D): In this case, you must pass a number from 1 to 8. The graph types are described in Example 1. After a graph has been drawn, you can change the type by changing graphNumber and executing the GRAPH command again. You can then modify certain graph characteristics by calling the GRAPH SETTINGS command. See Example 1.
  • pass a graphSettings parameter of the Object type (not supported on 4D Server on Windows): In this case, you must pass an object that contains the various graph properties to define. To do this, you can use the constants found in the "Graph Parameters" theme (see below). This syntax allows you to define the graph type along with its specific settings (legend, xmin, etc.) in a single call. This allows users to save the generated graphs as regular SVG pictures and makes it possible to display them using a standard browser like FireFox, Chrome, IE, or Safari (the graphs generated have better compliance with the SVG standard implemented in browsers). Furthermore, this syntax gives you access to various extra settings, which allow you to customize, for example, spacing between bars, margins, bar colors, etc. See Examples 2, 3 and 4. Warning: If you use this syntax, the GRAPH SETTINGS command must NOT be called.

The xLabels parameter defines the labels that will be used to label the x-axis (the bottom of the graph). This data can be of string, date, time, or numeric type. There should be the same number of array elements in xLabels as there are subrecords or array elements in each of the yElements.

The data specified by yElements is the data to graph. The data must be numeric. Up to eight data sets can be graphed. Pie charts graph only the first yElements.

Automatic IDs

Specific IDs are assigned automatically to elements found in the SVG graph:

ID_graph_1 to ID_graph_8Columns, lines, areas...
ID_graph_shadow_1 to ID_graph_shadow_8Shadows for columns, lines, areas...
ID_bullet_1 to ID_bullet_8Points (Line and Scatter graphs only)
ID_pie_label_1 to ID_pie_label_8Pie chart labels (Pie chart graphs only)
ID_legend_1 to ID_legend_8Legend titles
ID_legend_borderLegend borders
ID_legend_border_shadowShadows for legend borders
ID_x_valuesValues of X axis
ID_y_valuesValues of Y axis
ID_y0_axisValues of Z axis
ID_background_shadowBackground shadow
ID_x_gridGrid on X axis
ID_x_grid_shadowShadow for grid on X axis
ID_y_gridGrid on Y axis
ID_y_grid_shadowShadow for grid on Y axis
graphSettings attributes

When you use the graphSettings parameter, you pass an object that contains the various graph properties to define. You can use the following constants, found in the "Graph Parameters" constant theme:

Graph background colorStringgraphBackgroundColorPossible values: SVG compliant color expression (text), for example "#7F8E00", "Pink", or "#0a1414"
Graph background opacityStringgraphBackgroundOpacityPossible values: Integers, range 0-100
Default value: 100
Graph background shadow colorStringgraphBackgroundShadowColorPossible values: SVG compliant color expression (text), for example "#7F8E00", "Pink", or "#0a1414"
Graph bottom marginStringbottomMarginPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 12
Graph colorsStringcolorsPossible values: Text array. Colors for each graph series.
Default values: Blue-green (#19BAC9), Yellow (#FFC338), Purple (#573E82), Green (#4FA839), Orange (#D95700), Blue (#1D9DF2), Yellow-green (#B5CF32), Red (#D43A26)
Graph column gapStringcolumnGapPossible values: Longints
Default value: 12
Sets spacing between bars
Types 1, 2, 3 only
Graph column width maxStringcolumnWidthMaxPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 200
Types 1, 2, 3 only
Graph column width minStringcolumnWidthMinPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 10
Types 1, 2, 3 only
Graph default heightStringdefaultHeightPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 400. If graphType=7 (Pie), then default value = 600
Graph default widthStringdefaultWidthPossible values: Real numbers**
Default value**: 600. If graphType=7 (Pie), then default value = 800
Graph display legendStringdisplayLegendPossible values: Boolean
Default value: True
Graph document background colorStringdocumentBackgroundColorPossible values: SVG compliant color expression (text), for example "#7F8E00", "Pink", or "#0a1414". When a graph saved as an SVG picture is opened elsewhere, the document background color is only displayed if the SVG rendering engine supports the SVG tiny 1.2 norm (supported on IE, Firefox, but not on Chrome).
Graph document background opacityStringdocumentBackgroundOpacityPossible values: Integer, range 0-100 (default value: 100). When a graph saved as an SVG picture is opened elsewhere, the document background opacity is only displayed if the SVG rendering engine supports the SVG tiny 1.2 norm (supported on IE, Firefox, but not on Chrome).
Graph font colorStringfontColorPossible values: SVG compliant color expression (text), for example "#7F8E00", "Pink", or "#0a1414"
Graph font familyStringfontFamilyPossible values: Font family name
Default value: "Arial"
Graph font sizeStringfontSizePossible values: Longints
Default value: 12. If graphType=7 (Pie), see Graph pie font size
Graph left marginStringleftMarginPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 12
Graph legend font colorStringlegendFontColorPossible values: SVG compliant color expression (text), for example "#7F8E00", "Pink", or "#0a1414"
Graph legend icon gapStringlegendIconGapPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: Graph legend icon height/2
Graph legend icon heightStringlegendIconHeightPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 20
Graph legend icon widthStringlegendIconWidthPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 20
Graph legend labelsStringlegendLabelsPossible values: Text array. If missing, 4D displays icons without text.
Graph line widthStringlineWidthPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 2
Type 4 only
Graph number formatStringnumberFormatPossible values: Number format string, for example: "###,###,##0"
Default value: "" (no format).
Graph pie directionStringpieDirectionPossible values: 1 or -1
Default value: 1
1 indicates the clockwise direction, -1 indicates the anticlockwise direction
Graph pie font sizeStringpieFontSizePossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 16
Type 7 only
Graph pie shiftStringpieShiftPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 8
Type 7 only
Graph pie start angleStringpieStartAnglePossible values: Real numbers (positive or negative)
Default value: 0, which represents a start angle of 0° (upward pointing position)
A positive value represents an angle relatively to the current pie direction. A negative value represents an angle relatively to the opposite of pie direction
Graph plot heightStringplotHeightPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 12
Type 4 only
Graph plot radiusStringplotRadiusPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 12
Type 6 only
Graph plot widthStringplotWidthPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 12
Type 4 only
Graph right marginStringrightMarginPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 2
Graph top marginStringtopMarginPossible values: Real numbers
Default value: 2
Graph typeStringgraphTypePossible values: Longints [1 to 8] where 1 = bars, 2 = proportional, 3 = stacked, 4 = lines, 5 = surfaces, 6 = scatter, 7 = pie, 8 = pictures.
Default value: 1
If null, the graph is not drawn and no error message is displayed. If out of range, the graph is not drawn and an error message is displayed.
If you want to modify picture type graphs (value=8), you must copy the 4D/Resources/GraphTemplates/Graph_8_Pictures/ folder into the Resources folder of your database and perform the necessary modifications. Local picture files will be used instead of 4D files. There is no pattern for picture names; 4D sorts the files contained in the folder and assigns the first file to the first graph. These files can be of the SVG or image type.
Graph xGridStringxGridPossible values: Boolean
Default value: True.
For all types except 7
Graph xMaxStringxMaxPossible values: Number, Date, Time (same type as xLabels parameter).
Only values lower than xMax are displayed on the graph. xMax is used only for graph types 4, 5, or 6 if xProp=true and if xLabels type is a number, date, or time. If missing or if xMin>xMax, 4D automatically calculates the xMax value.
Graph xMinStringxMinPossible values: Number, Date, Time (same type as xLabels parameter).
Only values higher than xMin are displayed on the graph. xMin is used only for graph types 4, 5, or 6 if xProp=true and if xLabels type is a number, date, or time. If missing or if xMin>xMax, 4D automatically calculates the xMin value.
Graph xPropStringxPropPossible values: Boolean
Default value: False
True for proportional x-axis; False for normal x-axis. xProp is used only for graph types 4, 5, or 6
Graph yGridStringyGridPossible values: Boolean
Default value: True
For all types except 7
Graph yMaxStringyMaxPossible values: Numbers
If missing, 4D automatically calculates the yMax value.
For all types except 7
Graph yMinStringyMinPossible values: Numbers
If missing, 4D automatically calculates the yMin value.
For all types except 7

Example 1

Syntax using graphNumber: The following example shows the different types of graphs that you can obtain. The code would be inserted in a form method or object method. It is not intended to be realistic, since the data is constant:

 var vGraph : Picture //Variable of graph
 ARRAY TEXT(X;2) //Create an array for the x-axis
 X{1}:="1995" //X Label #1
 X{2}:="1996" //X Label #2
 ARRAY REAL(A;2) //Create an array for the y-axis
 A{1}:=30 //Insert some data
 ARRAY REAL(B;2) //Create an array for the y-axis
 B{1}:=50 //Insert some data
 vType:=1 //Initialize graph type
 GRAPH(vGraph;vType;X;A;B) //Draw the graph
 GRAPH SETTINGS(vGraph;0;0;0;0;False;False;True;"France";"USA") //Set the legends for the graph

The following figures show the resulting graph.

  • With vType equal to 1, you obtain a Column graph:
  • With vType equal to 2, you obtain a Proportional Column graph:
  • With vType equal to 3, you obtain a Stacked Column graph:
  • With vType equal to 4, you obtain a Line graph:
  • With vType equal to 5, you obtain a Area graph:
  • With vType equal to 6, you obtain a Scatter graph:
  • With vType equal to 7, you obtain a Pie graph:
  • With vType equal to 8, you obtain a Picture graph:

Example 2

Syntax using graphSettings: In the following example, you draw a simple line graph based on time values:

 var vGraph : Picture //Graph variable
 ARRAY TIME(X;3) //Create array for x-axis
 X{1}:=?05:15:10? //X Label #1
 X{2}:=?07:15:10? //X Label #2
 X{3}:=?12:15:55? //X Label #3
 ARRAY REAL(A;3) //Create array for y-axis
 A{1}:=30 //Insert some data
 ARRAY REAL(B;3) //Create another array for y-axis
 B{1}:=50 //Insert some data
 var vSettings : Object //Initialize graph settings
 OB SET(vSettings;Graph type;4) //Line type
 ARRAY TEXT(aLabels;2) //Set legends for graph
 OB SET ARRAY(vSettings;Graph legend labels;aLabels)
 GRAPH(vGraph;vSettings;X;A;B) //Draw graph

Example 3

With the same values, you can add custom settings to obtain a different view:

 var vGraph : Picture //Graph variable
 ARRAY TIME(X;3) //Create an array for the x-axis
 X{1}:=?05:15:10? //X Label #1
 X{2}:=?07:15:10? //X Label #2
 X{3}:=?12:15:55? //X Label #3
 ARRAY REAL(A;3) //Create an array for the y-axis
 A{1}:=30 //Insert some data
 ARRAY REAL(B;3) //Create another array for the y-axis
 B{1}:=50 //Insert some data
 var vSettings : Object //initializing graph settings
 OB SET(vSettings;Graph type;4) //type Line
 ARRAY TEXT(aLabels;2) //Set the legends for the graph
 OB SET ARRAY(vSettings;Graph legend labels;aLabels)
 OB SET(vSettings;Graph xProp;True) //set proportional
 OB SET(vSettings;Graph xGrid;False) //remove the vertical grid
 OB SET(vSettings;Graph xMin;?03:00:00?) //define boundaries
 OB SET(vSettings;Graph xMax;?20:00:00?)
 GRAPH(vGraph;vSettings;X;A;B) //Draw the graph

Example 4

In this example, we customize a few settings:

 var vGraph : Picture //Graph variable
 ARRAY TEXT(X;5) //Create an array for the x-axis
 X{1}:="Monday" //X Label #1
 X{2}:="Tuesday" //X Label #2
 X{3}:="Wednesday" //X Label #3
 X{4}:="Thursday" //X Label #4
 X{5}:="Friday" //X Label #5
 ARRAY LONGINT(A;5) //Create an array for the y-axis
 A{1}:=30 //Insert some data
 ARRAY LONGINT(B;5) //Create another array for the y-axis
 B{1}:=50 //Insert some data
 var vSettings : Object //initializing graph settings
 OB SET(vSettings;Graph type;1) //type Bars
 ARRAY TEXT(aLabels;2) //Set the legends for the graph
 OB SET ARRAY(vSettings;Graph legend labels;aLabels)
 OB SET(vSettings;Graph yGrid;False) //remove the vertical grid
 OB SET(vSettings;Graph background color;"#573E82") //set a background color
 OB SET(vSettings;Graph background opacity;40)
 ARRAY TEXT($aTcols;2) //Set the colors for the graph
 OB SET ARRAY(vSettings;Graph colors;$aTcols)
 GRAPH(vGraph;vSettings;X;A;B) //Draw the graph

See also

Graph Parameters