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HTTP GET OPTION ( option ; value )

optionLongint🡒Code of option to get
valueLongint🡘Current value of option


The HTTP GET OPTION command returns the current value of the HTTP options (options used by client for next request triggered by the HTTP Get or HTTP Request commands). The current value of an option can be the default value or it can have been modified using the HTTP SET OPTION command.

Note: The options set are local to the current process. In a component, they are local to the component being executed.

In the option parameter, pass the number of the option whose value you want to get. You can use one of the following predefined constants, available in the HTTP Client theme:

HTTP client logLongint7value = one of the following constants: HTTP disable log: HTTP client debug log is disabled (default) HTTP enable log with all body parts: HTTP client debug log is enabled with body parts in response and request HTTP enable log with request body: HTTP client debug log is enabled with body part in request only HTTP enable log with response body: HTTP client debug log is enabled with body part in response only HTTP enable log without body: HTTP client debug log is enabled without body parts (body size is provided in this case) Allows you to get or set the status of the HTTP client request log file. When enabled, this file, named "4DHTTPClientLog_nn.txt", is stored in the "Logs" folder of the application (nn is the file number). It is useful for debugging issues related to the HTTP client requests. It records each request and each response in raw mode. Whole requests, including headers, are logged; optionally, body parts can be logged as well. For more information, please refer to the Description of log files section.
HTTP compressionLongint6value = 0 (do not compress) or 1 (compress). Default value: 0
This option enables or disables the compression mechanism intended to accelerate exchanges for requests between the client and server. When this mechanism is enabled, the HTTP client uses deflate or gzip compression depending on the server response.
HTTP display auth dialLongint4value = 0 (do not display dialogue box) or 1 (display dialogue box). Default value: 0
This option displays the authentication dialog box when the HTTP Get or HTTP Request command is executed. By default, this command never displays the dialog box and you must normally use the HTTP AUTHENTICATE command. However, if you want an authentication dialog box to appear so that users can enter their identifiers, then pass 1 in value. The dialog box only appears when the request requires authentication.
HTTP follow redirectLongint2value = 0 (do not accept redirections) or 1 (accept redirections).
Default value = 1
HTTP max redirectLongint3value = Maximum number of redirections accepted
Default value = 2
HTTP reset auth settingsLongint5value = 0 (do not delete information) or 1 (delete information). Default value: 0
This option indicates to 4D to reset the authentication information of the user (user name, password, method) after each execution of the HTTP Get or HTTP Request command in the same process. By default, this information is kept and reused for each request. Pass 1 in value to delete this information after each call. Note that regardless of the setting, this information is deleted when the process is killed.
HTTP timeoutLongint1value = timeout of client request, expressed in seconds. This timeout sets how long the HTTP client waits for the server to respond. After this period of time has passed, the client closes the session and the request is lost.
By default, this timeout is 120 seconds. It can be changed because of specific characteristics (network state, request characteristics, etc.).

In the value parameter, pass a variable to receive the current value of the option.

See also