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JSON Parse

JSON Parse ( jsonString {; type}{; *} ) -> Function result

jsonStringString🡒JSON string to parse
typeLongint🡒Type in which to convert the values
*Operator🡒Adds line position and offset of each property if returned value is an object
Function resultMixed, Object🡐Values extracted from JSON string


__symbols:{//object description
   myAtt.mySubAtt...:{ //property path
      line:10, //line number of the property
      offset:35 //offset of the property from the beginning of the line

Example 1

Examples of simple conversions:

 var $r : Real
 $r:=JSON Parse("42.17") //$r = 42,17 (Real)
 var $el : Integer
 $el:=JSON Parse("120.13";Is longint) //$el=120
 var $t : Text
 $t:=JSON Parse("\"Year 42\"";Is text) // $t="Year 42" (text)
 var $o : Object
 $o:=JSON Parse("{\"name\":\"john\"}")
  // $o = {"name":"john"} (4D object)
 var $b : Boolean
 $b:=JSON Parse("{\"manager\":true}";Is Boolean) // $b=true
 var $h : Time
 $h:=JSON Parse("5120";Is time) //$h=01:25:20

Example 2

Examples of converting date type data:

 $test:=JSON Parse("\"1990-12-25T12:00:00Z\"")
  // $test="1990-12-25T12:00:00Z"
 var $date;$date2;$date3 : Date
 $date:=JSON Parse("\"2008-01-01T12:00:00Z\"";Is date)
 $date2:=JSON Parse("\"2017-07-13T23:00:00.000Z\"";Is date)
  //$date2=14/07/17 (Paris time zone)
 SET DATABASE PARAMETER(Dates inside objects;String type without time zone)
 $date3:=JSON Parse("\"2017-07-13T23:00:00.000Z\"";Is date)

Example 3

If the current date storage setting is "date type", you can write:

 var $o : Object
 var $json : Text
 var $birthday : Date
 $o:=JSON Parse($json)

Note: For more information on this setting, please refer to the "Use date type instead of ISO date format in objects" option in the Compatibility page.

Example 4

This example shows the combined use of the JSON Stringify and JSON Parse commands:

 var $JSONContact : Text
 var $Contact;$Contact2 : Object
 $Contact:=New object("name";"Monroe";"firstname";"Alan")
  // JSON Stringify: conversion of an object into a JSON string
 $JSONContact:=JSON Stringify($Contact)
  // JSON Parse: conversion of JSON string into a new object
 $Contact2:=JSON Parse($JSONContact)

Example 5

You want to create a 4D collection from a JSON array:

 var $myCol : Collection
 $myCol:=JSON Parse("[\"Monday\",10,\"Tuesday\",11,\"Wednesday\",12,false]")

Example 6

    "alpha": 4552,
    "beta": [
            "echo": 45,
            "delta": "text1"
            "echo": 52,
            "golf": "text2"

See also

Field and Variable Types
JSON Stringify
JSON Validate