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LISTBOX GET CELL POSITION ( {* ;} object {; X ; Y }; column ; row {; colVar} )

*Operator🡒If specified, object is an object name (string) If omitted, object is a variable
objectForm object🡒Object name (if * is specified) or Variable (if * is omitted)
XReal🡒Horizontal coordinate of mouse
YReal🡒Vertical coordinate of mouse
columnLongint🡘Column number
rowLongint🡘Row number
colVarPointer🡘Pointer to column variable


The LISTBOX GET CELL POSITION command returns the numbers of the column and the row that correspond to the location in the listbox (designated by * and object) of the last mouse click, last selection made via the keyboard, or the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the mouse.

If you pass the optional * parameter, you indicate that the object parameter is an object name (a string). If you omit this parameter, you indicate that the object parameter is a variable.

If the X and Y parameters are passed, this command returns the column and row numbers corresponding to the mouse coordinates, otherwise this command returns the column and row numbers of a click or a selection action. The command will return valid values even when data entry is not allowed in the list box.


  • The value returned in the row parameter does not take into account any hidden/displayed states of list box rows. It may also return a value of 0 if the click or Y position is below the last row.
  • If a cell in a fake column is clicked or corresponds to the X position, the column parameter returns "N+1", where N is the number of existing columns. A fake column can be added automatically when the "Column Auto-Resizing" option is selected; for more information refer to the Resizing Options theme paragraph.
  • In a hierachical list box, the column value takes into account the column(s) merged to represent the hierarchy, as explained in the Management of selections and positions paragraph.

The optional colVar parameter returns a pointer to the variable (i.e. array) associated with the column.

When the X and Y parameters are not used, this command can only be called in the framework of a list box that generates one of the following form events:

  • On Clicked and On Double Clicked
  • On Before Keystroke and On After Keystroke
  • On After Edit
  • On Getting Focus and On Losing Focus
  • On Data Change
  • On Selection Change
  • On Before Data Entry

If the command is called outside of this context, LISTBOX GET CELL POSITION returns 0 in both column and row.

This command takes into account any selection or deselection actions whether by mouse click, via keyboard keys, or using the EDIT ITEM command (which can generate the On Getting Focus event). If the selection is modified using the arrow keys of the keyboard, column returns 0. In this case, if it is passed, the colVar parameter returns Is nil pointer.

See also