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Load 4D View document

Load 4D View document ( 4DViewDocument ) -> Function result

4DViewDocumentBLOB🡒4D View document
Function resultObject🡐Object representation of the 4D View document


The Load 4D View document command allows you to convert a 4D View document into a 4D object.

Neither a valid 4D View license, nor an instance of the legacy 4D View plug-in in your environment are required for this command.

Pass in the 4DViewDocument parameter a BLOB variable or field containing the 4D View document to convert. The command returns a 4D object that describes all information originally stored within the 4D View document, including:

  • document structure (number of rows and columns), type and information (version, title...)
  • cell attributes (cell type, value, formula, name, style, security...)
  • column attributes (width, style, type, security, visibility, break...)
  • row attributes (height, style, type, security, visibility, break...)
  • styles, borders, and panes

Using this command, you can recover any data stored in your 4D View documents and handle them in an open format.

Note: If you need to convert documents from 4D View to 4D View Pro, it is recommended to use the dedicated command which performs a direct and transparent conversion.


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    "title": "4D View test",
    "subject": "",
    "author": "",
    "company": "",
    "note": "",
    "creationDate": "2017-06-13",
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    "modificationDate": "2017-06-13",
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