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METHOD Get path

METHOD Get path ( methodType {; aTable}{; objectName{; formObjectName}}{; *} ) -> Function result

methodTypeLongint🡒Design object type selector
aTableTable🡒Table reference
objectNameText🡒Name of form or method
formObjectNameText🡘Name of form object
*Operator🡒If passed = command applies to host database when executed from a component (parameter ignored outside of this context)
Function resultText🡐Full path of object


The METHOD Get path command returns the full internal pathname of a method.

In the methodType parameter, you pass the type of method whose path you want to get. You can use the following constants, found in the Design Object Access theme:

Path database methodLongint2Path of database methods specified. List of these methods:
[databaseMethod]/ onHostDatabaseEvent
[databaseMethod]/ onRESTAuthentication
[databaseMethod]/ onMobileAppAuthentication
[databaseMethod]/ onMobileAppAction
Path project formLongint4Path of project form methods and all their object methods. Examples:
Path project methodLongint1Name of method.
Example: MyProjectMethod
Path table formLongint16Path of table form methods and all their object methods. Example:
Path triggerLongint8Path of database triggers. Example:

Pass values in the aTable, objectName and formObjectName parameters according to the type of object for which you want to get the method pathname:

Type of objectaTableobjectNameformObjectName
Path Project formXX (optional)
Path Table formXXX (optional)
Path Database methodX
Path Project methodX
Path TriggerX

Note: The command does not check if the method actually exists in the database. An error is generated only when an invalid database method name is passed with the Path database method selector.

If the command is executed from a component, it returns by default the paths of the component methods. If you pass the * parameter, the array contains the paths of the methods of the host database.


  //Retrieval of the pathname of the "On Startup" database method:
 $path:=METHOD Get path(Path database method;"onStartup")
  //Retrieval of the pathname of the trigger for the [Employees] table:
 $path:=METHOD Get path(Path trigger;[Employees])
  //Retrieval of the pathname of the "OK" object method of the "input" form for the [Employees] table:
 $path:=METHOD Get path(Path table form;[Employees];"input";"OK")

See also

Current method path