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MOVE DOCUMENT ( srcPathname ; dstPathname )

srcPathnameString🡒Full pathname to existing document
dstPathnameString🡒Destination pathname


The MOVE DOCUMENT command moves or renames a document.

You specify the full pathname to the document in srcPathname and the new name and/or new location for the document in dstPathname.

Warning: Using MOVE DOCUMENT, you can move a document from and to any directory on the same volume. If you want to move a document between two distinct volumes, use COPY DOCUMENT to “move” the document then delete the original copy of the document using DELETE DOCUMENT.

Example 1

The following example renames the document DocName:

 MOVE DOCUMENT("C:\\FOLDER\\DocName";"C:\\FOLDER\\NewDocName")

Example 2

The following example moves and renames the document DocName:

 MOVE DOCUMENT("C:\\FOLDER1\\DocName";"C:\\FOLDER2\\NewDocName")

Example 3

The following example moves the document DocName:

 MOVE DOCUMENT("C:\\FOLDER1\\DocName";"C:\\FOLDER2\\DocName")

Note: In the last two examples, the destination folder "C:\\FOLDER2" must exist. The MOVE DOCUMENT command only moves a document; it does not create folders.

See also