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OBJECT SET RGB COLORS ( {* ;} object ; foregroundColor {; backgroundColor {; altBackgrndColor}} )

*Operator🡒If specified, Object is an Object Name (String) If omitted, Object is a Field or a Variable
objectForm object🡒Object Name (if * is specified), or
Variable or field (if * is omitted)
foregroundColorText, Longint🡒RGB color value for foreground
backgroundColorText, Longint🡒RGB color value for background
altBackgrndColorText, Longint🡒RGB color value for alternating background


The OBJECT SET RGB COLORS command changes the foreground and background colors of the objects specified by the object parameter and the optional * parameter. When the command is applied to a list box object, an additional parameter lets you modify the alternating color of the rows.

If you specify the optional * parameter, you indicate an object name (a string) in object. If you omit the optional * parameter, you indicate a field or a variable in object. In this case, you specify a field or variable reference (field or variable objects only) instead of a string. For more information about object names, see the Object Properties section.

The optional altBackgrndColor parameter lets you set an alternate background color for even-numbered rows. This parameter is only used when the object specified is a list box or a column of the list box. When this parameter is used, the backgroundColor parameter is only used for odd-numbered rows. Using alternating colors makes lists easier to read.

If object specifies a list box object, alternating colors are used for the entire list box. If object specifies a column of the list box, only that column will use the colors set.

Definition of colors

You indicate RGB color values in foregroundColor and, optionally, backgroundColor, and altBackgrndColor parameters. The following formats are supported:

Format nameTypeDescriptionExamples
CSS color nameTextStandard CSS2 color name.
List of available names can be found in various locations on the web, for example on the web site. Use "transparent" to set transparency to background (can only be used with the backgroundColor and altBackgrndColor parameters). Use "" (empty string) in foregroundColor and/or backgroundColor to let it unchanged.
"red", "cyan", "lightblue"
CSS color "#rrggbb" syntaxTextStandard CSS2 hex color code: rr = red component of the color gg = green component of the color bb = blue component of the color"#ff0000", "#00FFFF", "#ADD8E6"
CSS color "rgb(r,g,b)" syntaxTextStandard CSS2 rgb color code: r = red component of the color (0...255) g = green component of the color (0...255) b = blue component of the color (0...255)"rgb(255,255,0)", "rgb(255,0,0)"
4-byte RGB valueLongint4-byte Long Integer (format 0x00rrggbb). Hex values:
rr = red component of the color gg = green component of the color bb = blue component of the color
0x00000000, 0x00FF7F7F
4D "system" color constantLongintColors used by 4D for drawing objects with automatic colors. Available constants (from SET RGB COLORS theme):
Background color Background color none (can only be used with the backgroundColor and altBackgrndColor parameters) Dark shadow color Disable highlight item color Foreground color Highlight menu background color Highlight menu text color Highlight text background color Highlight text color Light shadow color
Note: Automatic colors depend on the system as well as the type of object to which they are assigned.

Example 1

This form contains the two non-enterable variables vsColorValue and vsColor as well as the three thermometers: thRed, thGreen, and thBlue.

Here are the methods for these objects:

  //vsColorValue non-enterable Object Method
 Case of
    :(FORM Event=On Load)
 End case
  // vsColor non-enterable variable Object Method
 Case of
    :(FORM Event=On Load)
       OBJECT SET RGB COLORS(vsColor;0x00FFFFFF;0x0000)
 End case
  // thRed Thermometer Object Method
  // thGreen Thermometer Object Method
  // thBlue Thermometer Object Method

The project method called by the three thermometers is:

 OBJECT SET RGB COLORS(vsColor;0x00FFFFFF;(thRed<<16)+(thGreen<<8)+thBlue)
 End if

Note the use of the SET AUTOMATIC RELATIONS for calculating the color value from the thermometer values.

When executed, the form looks like this:

Example 2

Changing to transparent background with a light font color:

 OBJECT SET RGB COLORS(*;"myVar";Light shadow color;Background color none)

See also

Select RGB Color