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POST CLICK ( mouseX ; mouseY {; process} {; *} )

mouseXLongint🡒Horizontal coordinate
mouseYLongint🡒Vertical coordinate
processLongint🡒Destination process reference number, or Application event queue, if omitted, or 0
*🡒If specified, global coordinate system is used If omitted, local coordinate system is used


The POST CLICK command simulates a mouse click. Its effect as if the user actually clicked the mouse button.

You pass the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the click in mouseX and mouseY. If you pass the * parameter, you express these coordinates relative to the screen. If you omit the * parameter, you express these coordinates relative to the frontmost window of the process whose process number you pass in process.

If you specify the process parameter, the click is sent to the process whose process number you pass in process. If you pass 0 (zero) or if you omit the parameter, the click is sent at the application level, and the 4D scheduler will dispatch it to the appropriate process.

See also