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QR GET BORDERS ( area ; column ; row ; border ; line {; color} )

areaLongint🡒Reference of the area
columnLongint🡒Column number
rowLongint🡒Row number
borderLongint🡒Border value
lineLongint🡘Line thickness
colorLongint🡘Border color


The QR GET BORDERS command allows you to retrieve the border style for a border of a given cell.

area is the reference of the Quick Report area.

column is the column number of the cell.

row designates the row number of the cell. You can either:

  • pass a positive integer value to designate the corresponding subtotal (break) level that is affected.
  • pass one of the following constants of the QR Rows for Properties theme:
    | Constant | Type | Value | Comment |
    | -------------- | ------- | ----- | --------------------- |
    | qr detail | Longint | -2 | Detail area of report |
    | qr grand total | Longint | -3 | Grand total area |
    | qr title | Longint | -1 | Title of report |

border is the value that indicates which cell border is affected. Pass one of the constants from the QR Borders theme:

qr bottom borderLongint8Bottom border
qr inside horizontal borderLongint32Inside horizontal border
qr inside vertical borderLongint16Inside vertical border
qr left borderLongint1Left border
qr right borderLongint4Right border
qr top borderLongint2Top border

Note: Unlike the command QR SET BORDERS, QR GET BORDERS does not accept a cumulative value. You must test all the parameters separately to have an overall view of the cell border.

line is the thickness of the line:

  • 0 indicates no line
  • 1 indicates a thickness of 1/4 point
  • 2 indicates a thickness of 1/2 point
  • 3 indicates a thickness of 1 point
  • 4 indicates a thickness of 2 points.

color is the color of the line; it returns the value of the color applied to the line segment.

If you pass an invalid area number, the error -9850 will be generated.
If you pass an invalid column number, the error -9852 will be generated.
If you pass an invalid row number, the error -9853 will be generated.
If you pass an invalid border parameter, the error -9854 will be generated.

See also