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QR GET HEADER AND FOOTER ( area ; selector ; leftTitle ; centerTitle ; rightTitle ; height {; picture {; pictAlignment}} )

areaLongint🡒Reference of the area
selectorLongint🡒1 = Header, 2 = Footer
leftTitleString🡘Text displayed on the left side
centerTitleString🡘Text displayed in the middle
rightTitleString🡘Text displayed on the right side
heightLongint🡘Header or footer height
picturePicture🡘Picture to display
pictAlignmentLongint🡘Alignment attribute for the picture


The QR GET HEADER AND FOOTER command retrieves the contents and size of the header or footer.

selector allows you to select the header or the footer:

  • if selector equals 1, the header information will be retrieved;
  • if selector equals 2, the footer information will be retrieved.

leftTitle, centerTitle and rightTitle returns the values for, respectively, the left, center and right header/footer.

height returns the height of the header/footer, expressed in the unit selected for the report.

picture returns a picture that is displayed in the header or footer.

pictAlignment is the alignment attribute for the picture displayed in the header/footer.

  • If pictAlignment returns 1, the picture is aligned to the left.
  • If pictAlignment returns 2, the picture is centered.
  • If pictAlignment returns 3, the picture is aligned to the right.

If you pass an invalid area number, the error -9850 will be generated.
If you pass an invalid selector value, the error -9852 will be generated.


The following code retrieves the values of the header titles as well as the header size and displays them in alerts:

 QR GET HEADER AND FOOTER(MyArea;1;$LeftText;$CenterText;$RightText;$height)
 Case of
    :($LeftText #"")
       ALERT("The left title is "+Char(34)+$LeftText+Char(34))
    :($CenterText #"")
       ALERT("The center title is "+Char(34)+$CenterText+Char(34))
    :($RightText #"")
       ALERT("The right title is "+Char(34)+$RightText+Char(34))
       ALERT("No header title in this report.")
 End case
 ALERT("The height of the header is "+String($height))

See also