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QR ON COMMAND ( area ; methodName )

areaLongint🡒Reference of the area
methodNameString🡒Name of the replacement method


The QR ON COMMAND command executes the 4D method passed in methodName when a Quick Report command is invoked by the user, by the selection of a menu command or by a click on a button.

If area equals zero, methodName will apply to each Quick Report area until the database is closed or until the following call to the command is made: QR ON COMMAND(0;"").

methodName receives two parameters:

  • $1 is the reference of the area (Longint).
  • $2 is the command number of the command that was selected (Longint). You can compare this value with the following constants of the QR Commands theme:
    | Constant | Type | Value | Comment |
    | -------------------- | ------- | ----- | ---------------------------------------------- |
    | qr cmd generate | Longint | 2008 | Use of command QR RUN recommended |
    | qr cmd page setup | Longint | 2006 | |
    | qr cmd print preview | Longint | 2007 | |

Note: When planning on compiling the database, it is necessary to declare both $1 and $2 as Longints, even if you do not use them.

If you want the initial command to be executed, you need to include the following in the called method: QR EXECUTE COMMAND($1;$2).

If you pass an invalid area number, the error -9850 will be generated.

See also

QR Commands
QR Get command status