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QR RUN ( area )

areaLongint🡒Reference of the area to execute


The QR RUN command executes the report area whose reference was passed as parameter with the Quick Report current settings, including the output type. You can use the QR SET DESTINATION command to modify the output type.

The report is executed on the table to which the area belongs. When area designates an offscreen area, it is necessary to specify the table to be used via the QR SET REPORT TABLE command.

If you pass an invalid area number, the error -9850 will be generated.

4D Server: This command can be executed on 4D Server as part of a stored procedure. In this context, make sure that no dialog box appears on the server machine (except for specific requirements). To do this, you need to call the QR SET DESTINATION command with the "*" parameter. In case of a printer problem (out of paper, printer disconnected, etc.), no error message is generated.