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QR SET TEXT PROPERTY ( area ; colNum ; rowNum ; property ; value )

areaLongint🡒Reference of the area
colNumLongint🡒Column number
rowNumLongint🡒Row number
propertyLongint🡒Property number
valueLongint, String🡒Value for the selected property


The QR SET TEXT PROPERTY command sets the text attributes for the cell determined by colNum and rowNum.

area is the reference of the Quick Report area.

colNum is the number of the cell column.

rowNum is the reference of the cell row. You can pass either:

  • a positive value designating the corresponding subtotal (break) level,
  • one of the constants from the QR Rows for Properties theme:
    | Constant | Type | Value | Comment |
    | -------------- | ------- | ----- | --------------------- |
    | qr detail | Longint | -2 | Detail area of report |
    | qr footer | Longint | -5 | Page footer |
    | qr grand total | Longint | -3 | Grand total area |
    | qr header | Longint | -4 | Page header |
    | qr title | Longint | -1 | Title of report |

Note: When passing -4 or -5 as rowNum, you still need to pass a column number in colNum, even if it is not used.

Note: In cross-table mode, the principle is similar except for the row values, which are always positive.

property is the value of the text attribute to assign. You can use the constants of the QR Text Properties theme, and the following values can be set:

_o_qr fontLongint1Obsolete since 4D v14R3 (use qr font name)
qr alternate background colorLongint9Alternate background color number
qr background colorLongint8Background color number
qr boldLongint3Bold style attribute (0 or 1)
qr font nameLongint10Name of font as returned for example by the FONT LIST command
qr font sizeLongint2Font size expressed in points (9 to 255)
qr italicLongint4Italic style attribute (0 or 1)
qr justificationLongint7Justification attribute (0 for default, 1 for left, 2 for center or 3 for right)
qr text colorLongint6Color number attribute (Longint)
qr underlineLongint5Underline style attribute (0 or 1)

If you pass an invalid area number, the error -9850 will be generated.
If you pass an invalid colNum number, the error -9852 will be generated.
If you pass an invalid rowNum number, the error -9853 will be generated.
If you pass an invalid property number, the error -9854 will be generated.


This method defines several attributes of the first column’s title:

  //Assigns the Times font:
 QR SET TEXT PROPERTY(qr_area;1;-1;qr font name;"Times")
  //Assigns 10-point font size:
 QR SET TEXT PROPERTY(qr_area;1;-1;qr font size;10)
  //Assigns the bold attribute:
 QR SET TEXT PROPERTY(qr_area;1;-1;qr bold;1)
  //Assigns the italic attribute:
 QR SET TEXT PROPERTY(qr_area;1;-1;qr italic;1)
  //Assigns the underline attribute:
 QR SET TEXT PROPERTY(qr_area;1;-1;qr underline;1)
  //Assigns the light green color:
 QR SET TEXT PROPERTY(qr_area;1;-1;qr text color;0x0000FF00)

See also

QR Get text property