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Refresh license

Refresh license -> Function result

Function resultObject🡐Status object


The Refresh license command updates the current 4D Server license. It connects you to the 4D customer database and automatically activates any new or updated licenses (e.g., additional purchased clients) related to the current license.

Returned object

The object returned by Refresh license contains the following properties:

successbooleanTrue if the refresh action is successful, False otherwise.
statusnumberStatus code
statusTexttextStatus description
tipstextSuggestions to resolve error.

Note: This command can only be executed on 4D Server. If the method calling the command is executed locally on a remote client or in 4D single user, Refresh license does nothing.


You want to update your license and receive a message when it's completed:

  // Method to be executed on server
 var $res : Object
 $res:=Refresh license
 End if