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SAX GET XML ENTITY ( document ; name ; value )

documentDocRef🡒Reference of open document
nameString🡘Entity name
valueString🡘Entity value


The SAX GET XML ENTITY command allows you to get the name and value of an XML entity that exists in the XML document referenced in the document parameter. This command must be called with the XML Entity SAX event. For more information about SAX events, refer to the description of the SAX Get XML node command.


Let's look at the following piece of XML code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE body [
   <!ELEMENT body (element*)>
   <!ELEMENT element (#PCDATA)>
   <!ENTITY name "Replacement">
   <element>Entity updated by &name;</element>

The following instruction will return “name” in vName and “Replacement” in vValue.

 SAX GET XML ENTITY(DocRef;vName;vValue)

System variables and sets

If the command has been executed correctly, the system variable OK is set to 1. Otherwise, it is set to 0 and an error is generated.

See also

SAX Get XML node