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Selected record number

Selected record number {( aTable )} -> Function result

aTableTable🡒Table for which to return the selected record number or Default table, if omitted
Function resultLongint🡐Selected record number of current record


Selected record number returns the position of the current record within the current selection of aTable.

If the selection is not empty and if the current record is within the selection, Selected record number returns a value between 1 and Records in selection. If the selection is empty, of if there is no current record, it returns 0 (zero).

The selected record number is not the same as the number returned by Record number, which returns the physical record number in the table. The selected record number depends on the current selection and the current record.


The following example saves the current selected record number in a variable:

 CurSelRecNum:=Selected record number([People]) // Get the selected record number

See also

About Record Numbers
Records in selection