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SET PRINT OPTION ( option ; value1 {; value2} )

optionLongint🡒Option number
value1Longint, Text🡒Value 1 of the option
value2Longint, Text🡒Value 2 of the option


The SET PRINT OPTION command is used to modify, by programming, the value of a print option. Each option defined using this command is applied to the current 4D printing settings as long as no other command that modifies print parameters (PRINT SETTINGS, PRINT SELECTION without the > parameter, etc.) is called. If a print job has been opened (e.g. with OPEN PRINTING JOB), the option is set for the job and cannot be modified as long as the job has not terminated (except for the Orientation option, see below).

options and values

The option parameter allows you to indicate the option to be modified. You can pass one of the predefined constants of the “Print Options” theme listed below. Pass the new value(s) of the specified option in the value1 and (optionally) value2 parameters. The number and nature of the values to be passed depend on the type of option specified.

Paper option1If you use only value1, it contains the name of the paper. If you use both parameters, value1 contains the paper width and value2 contains the paper height. The width and height are expressed in screen pixels. Use the PRINT OPTION VALUES command to get the name, height and width of all the paper formats offered by the printer.
Orientation option2value1 only: 1=Portrait, 2=Landscape. If a different orientation option is used, GET PRINT OPTION returns 0 in value1. This option can be called within a print job, which means that you can switch from portrait to landscape, or vice versa, during the same print job.
Scale option3value1 only: scale value in percentage. Be careful, some printers do not allow you to modify the scale. If you pass an invalid value, the property is reset to 100% at the time of printing.
Number of copies option4value1 only: number of copies to be printed.
Paper source option5(Windows only) value1 only: number corresponding to the index, in the array of trays returned by the PRINT OPTION VALUES command, of the paper tray to be used. This option can only be used under Windows.
Destination option9value1: code specifying the type of print destination: 1=Printer, 2=File (PS on Mac), 3=PDF file, 5=Screen (macOS driver option).
If value1 is different from 1 or 5, value2 contains pathname for resulting document. This path will be used until another path is specified. If a file with the same name already exists at the destination location, it will be replaced. With GET PRINT OPTION, if the current value is not in the predefined list, value1 contains -1 and the system variable OK is set to 1. If an error occurs, value1 and the system variable OK are set to 0.
Note (Windows)
: To print PDF on Windows, you have to call SET CURRENT PRINTER(Generic PDF driver) and set the printing destination to 2 (File) or 3 (PDF File). Setting 3 lets you write multi-platform code.
Double sided option11value1: 0=Single-sided or standard, 1=Double-sided. If value1=1, value2 contains the binding: 0=Left binding (default value), 1=Top binding.
Spooler document name option12value1 only: name of the current print document, which appears in the list of spooler documents. The name defined by this statement will be used for all the print documents of the session for as long as a new name or an empty string is not passed. To use or restore standard operation (using the method name in the case of a method, the table name for a record, etc.), pass an empty string in value1.
Page range option15value1=first page to print (default value is 1) and (optional) value2=number of the last page to print (default value -1 = end of document).
Legacy printing layer option16(Windows only) value1 only: 1=select the GDI-based legacy printing layer for the subsequent printing jobs. 0=select the D2D printing layer (default). This selector is mainly intended to allow legacy plug-ins to print inside 4D jobs in 4D applications on Windows.
Print preview option18(Windows only) value1: Format to use for print previews on Windows. Available values: kp preview automatic (default): Use XPS printer and viewer if available, otherwise use PDF printer or viewer if available, otherwise generate an error. kp preview XPS: Use XPS printer and viewer if available, otherwise generate an error. kp preview PDF: Use PDF printer and viewer if available, otherwise generate an error. value2 (can be used with GET PRINT OPTION only): Print preview format actually used on Windows (can differ from value1 depending on the configuration). Available values: kp preview none: No format available. kp preview XPS: XPS printer and viewer used. kp preview PDF: PDF printer and viewer used.

Once set using this command, a print option is kept throughout the duration of the session for the entire 4D application. It will be used by the PRINT SELECTION, PRINT RECORD, Print form, QR REPORT and WP PRINT commands, as well as for all 4D printing, including that in Design mode.


  • It is indispensable to use the optional > parameter with the PRINT SELECTION, PRINT RECORD and PAGE BREAK commands in order to avoid resetting the print options that were set using the SET PRINT OPTION command.
  • The SET PRINT OPTION command mainly supports PostScript printers. You can use this command with other types of printers, such as PCL or Ink, but in this case, it is possible that some options may not be available.


The value of Orientation option can be modified within the same print job. Note that the option must have been set before the PAGE BREAK command:

 ALL RECORDS([People])
    SET PRINT OPTION(Orientation option;1) //portrait
    Print form([People];"Vertical_Form")
    SET PRINT OPTION(Orientation option;2) //landscape
    PAGE BREAK //must be called imperatively AFTER the option
    Print form([People];"Horiz_Form")
 End if

System variables and sets

The system variable OK is set to 1 if the command has been executed correctly; otherwise, it is set to 0.

Error management

If the value passed for an option is invalid or if it is not available on the printer, the command returns an error (that you can intercept using an error-handling method installed by the ON ERR CALL command) and the current value of the option remains unchanged.

See also

Print form
Print Options