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Super {( param {; param2 ; ... ; paramN} )} -> Function result

paramMixed🡒Parameter(s) to pass to the parent constructor
Function resultObject🡐Object's parent


The Super command makes calls to the superclass.

Super has been introduced to serve two different purposes:

  • inside a constructor code, Super is a command that allows to call the constructor of the superclass. When used in a constructor, the Super command appears alone and must be used before the This keyword is used.
    • If all class constructors in the inheritance tree are not properly called, error -10748 is generated. It's 4D developer to make sure calls are valid.
    • If the This command is called on an object whose superclasses have not been constructed, error -10743 is generated.
    • If Super is called out of an object scope, or on an object whose superclass constructor has already been called, error-10746 is generated.
  // inside myClass constructor
 var $1;$2 : Text
 Super($1) //calls superclass constructor with a text param
 This.param:=$2 // use second param
  • inside a class member function, Super designates the prototype of the superclass and allows to call a function of the superclass hierarchy.
 Super.doSomething(42) //calls "doSomething" function declared in superclasses

Example 1

This example illustrates the use of Super in a class constructor. The command is called to avoid duplicating the constructor parts that are common between Rectangle and Square classes.

  //Class: Rectangle
 Class constructor
 var $1;$2 : Integer"Rectangle"
 Function sayName
 ALERT("Hi, I am a "".")
 Function getArea
 var $0 : Integer
  //Class: Square
 Class extends Rectangle
 Class constructor
 var $1 : Integer
  // It calls the parent class's constructor with lengths
  // provided for the Rectangle's width and height
  // In derived classes, Super must be called before you
  // can use 'This'"Square"

Example 2

This example illustrates the use of Super in a class member method.

You created the Rectangle class with a function:

  //Class: Rectangle
 Function nbSides
 var $0 : Text
 $0:="I have 4 sides"

You also created the Square class with a function calling the superclass function:

  //Class: Square
 Class extends Rectangle
 Function description
 var $0 : Text
 $0:=Super.nbSides()+" which are all equal"

Then you can write in a project method:

 var $square : Object
 var $message : Text
 $message:=$square.description() //I have 4 sides which are all equal

See also
