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WA EXECUTE JAVASCRIPT FUNCTION ( {* ;} object ; jsFunction ; result|* {; param}{; param2 ; ... ; paramN} )

*Operator🡒If specified, object is an object name (string) If omitted, object is a variable
objectForm object🡒Object name (if * is specified) or Variable (if * is omitted)
jsFunctionString🡒Name of JavaScript function to execute
result|*Variable🡒* for a function with no result or
🡘Function result (if expected)
paramString, Number, Date, Object, Collection🡒Parameter(s) to pass to function


The WA EXECUTE JAVASCRIPT FUNCTION command executes, in the Web area designated by the * and object parameters, the JavaScript function jsFunction and optionally returns its result in the result parameter.

If the function does not return a result, pass * in the result parameter.

You can pass one or more parameters containing the parameters of the function in param.

The command supports several types of parameters for both input (param) and output (result). You can pass and retrieve data of the string, number, date, object and collection types. If the parameter type is not defined, the text type is used by default.

Warning: Using this command to call directly a JavaScript function that displays a dialog (alert(), print()...) is not recommended since the user cannot interact with the Web area while the 4D code is running. If you need to implement such interface, for example you can call setTimeout(function(){alert();}, 50)) to let the execution of the 4D code finish and allow user interaction.

Example 1

Calling a JavaScript function with 3 parameters:

 $Param3:="1,000.2" //note "," as thousands separator and "." as the decimal separator
 WA EXECUTE JAVASCRIPT FUNCTION(MyWArea;$JavaScriptFunction;$Result;$Param1;$Param2;$Param3)

Example 2

The "getCustomerInfo" JavaScript function receive a number ID as parameter and returns an object:

 var $Result : Object
 var $ID : Integer
 WA EXECUTE JAVASCRIPT FUNCTION(*,"WA";"getCustomerInfo";$Result;$ID)

See also

WA Evaluate JavaScript