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WA GET URL HISTORY ( {* ;} object ; urlsArr {; direction {; titlesArr}} )

*Operator🡒If specified, object is an object name (string) If omitted, object is a variable
objectForm object🡒Object name (if * is specified) or Variable (if * is omitted)
urlsArrString array🡘Array of URLs visited
directionLongint🡒0 or omitted=List of previous URLs, 1=List of next URLs
titlesArrString array🡘Array of window titles


The WA GET URL HISTORY command returns one or two arrays containing the URLs visited during the session in the Web area designated by the * and object parameters. It can be used to build a custom navigation interface.

The information provided concerns the session; in other words, the navigation carried out in the same Web area as long as the form has not been closed.

The urlsArr array is filled with the list of URLs visited. Depending on the value of the direction parameter (if it is passed), the array recovers the list of previous URLs (default operation), or the list of next URLs. These lists correspond to the content of the standard Back and Forward buttons of browsers.

The URLs are classed by chronological order.

Pass a value indicating the list to recover in direction. You can use one of the following constants, found in the Web Area theme:

WA next URLsLongint1
WA previous URLsLongint0

If you omit the direction parameter, the value 0 is used.

If it is passed, the titlesArr parameter contains the list of window names associated with the URLs. This array is synchronized with the urlsArr array.

Compatibility Note: As of 4D v19 R5, this command only returns the current URL in urlsArr and titlesArr arrays for web areas using the Windows system rendering engine.

See also

WA Create URL history menu