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WEB Validate digest

WEB Validate digest ( userName ; password ) -> Function result

userNameText🡒User name
passwordText🡒User password
Function resultBoolean🡐True=Authentication OK, False=Authentication failed


The WEB Validate digest command checks the validity of the identifying information (name and password) provided by a user connecting to the Web server. This command must be used in the On Web Authentication Database Method in the context of Web authentication in Digest mode (see the Connection Security section).

In the userName and password parameters, pass the identifying information of the user stored locally. The command uses this information to generate a value that it compares with the information sent by the Web browser.

If the values are the same, the command returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.

You can use this mechanism to manage and maintain your own secure access system to the Web server by programming. Note that Digest validation cannot be used jointly with 4D passwords.

Note: If the browser does not support Digest authentication, an error is returned (authentication error).


Example using On Web Authentication Database Method in Digest mode:

  // On Web Authentication Database Method
 var $1;$2;$5;$6;$3;$4 : Text
 var $user : Text
 var $0 : Boolean
  //For security reasons, refuse names containing @
  //The WithWildcard method is described in the "On Web Authentication Database Method" section
       $0:=WEB Validate digest($user;[WebUsers]password)
       $0:=False //User does not exist
    End if
 End if

See also

Generate digest
Validate password