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WRITE PICTURE FILE ( fileName ; picture {; codec} )

fileNameAlpha🡒Name or full pathname of the file to write, or empty string
picturePicture🡒Picture field or variable to write
codecString🡒Picture Codec ID


The WRITE PICTURE FILE command saves the picture passed in the picture parameter in the defined codec to disk.

You can pass in fileName the full pathname to the file to create, or a file name only. If you just pass the file name, the file will be located next to the database structure file. The file extension has to be indicated.

If an empty string ("") is passed in fileName, the standard Save file dialog box is displayed and the user can indicate the name, location and format of the file to create. If a default name is associated with the Picture field, it is provided in the dialog box (see the SET PICTURE FILE NAME command).

You will pass in picture the picture variable or field which contains the picture to save on disk.

The optional codec parameter can be used to define the format in which the picture will be saved. A Codec can be an extension (for example, “.gif”) or a Mime type (for example “image/jpeg”). You can get a list of available Codecs via the PICTURE CODEC LIST command.

If you omit the codec parameter, the command will attempt to determine the codec based on the extension of the file name passed in the fileName parameter. For example, if you pass the statement:

 WRITE PICTURE FILE("c:\folder\photo.jpg";myphoto)

... the command will use the JPEG codec to store the picture.
If the extension used does not correspond to any available codec, the file is not saved and the OK system variable is set to 0. If you do not pass a codec or a file extension, the picture file is saved in PICT format.

Note: If the write format of the picture (indicated via the extension of fileName or the codec parameter) is the same the as its original type and if no transformation operation has been applied to it, the picture is written "as is", without any modification.

If the command is executed successfully, the system variable Document contains the full pathname to the file created and the system variable OK is set to 1. Otherwise, OK is set to 0.

See also
