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Versão: 20 R7

De QodlyScript à linguagem 4D

4D developers use the Qodly Studio documentation to learn how to design their Qodly forms in Qodly Studio.

Code examples are provided in QodlyScript, but since QodlyScript inherits from the 4D Language, you won't be lost. Converting QodlyScript code to 4D language is easy, it only requires some adaptations.

Nomes de variáveis

QodlyScript only support local variables, so variables in QodlyScript examples are not prefixed with $. No código 4D, certifique-se de prefixar os nomes das variáveis com $ para elas serem identificadas como variáveis locais pelo 4D.

Símbolos e palavras-chave

Some basic symbols, operators, and keywords differ in QodlyScript and must be adapted to the 4D Language. Eles estão listados abaixo:

QodlyScriptLínguagem 4DComentário
,;separador de argumentos
=:=operador de atribuição
===operador de comparação
switchCase of
constructorClass constructor
extendsClass extends
endEnd for, End For each, End if, End case, End use, End while
forEachFor each
stringTextvar type
numberRealvar type

Some other items have a different case (ex: this vs This) but can be pasted directly in 4D code.

Nomes de comandos e constantes

QodlyScript command and constant names are written in camel case without spaces. Além disso, os nomes das constantes QodlyScript começam com a letra k. You might need to adapt these QodlyScript items to the 4D Language.

  • Normalmente, você só precisará converter os nomes. Por exemplo, newCollection em QodlyScript é New collection em Linguagem 4D.
  • However, some commands have been renamed for a better compliance, for example atan and sqrt are QodlyScript names for Arctan and Square root commands in 4D Language.


  • Código QodlyScript:
 declare(entitySelection : 4D.EntitySelection)  
var dataClass : 4D.DataClass
var entity, duplicate : 4D.Entity
var status : object
  • Código 4D equivalente no linguajem:
 #DECLARE ( $entitySelection : 4D.EntitySelection )  
var $dataClass : 4D.DataClass
var $entity; $duplicate : 4D.Entity
var $status : Object
For each($entity;$entitySelection)
End for each