Etiquetas de transformação
4D provides a set of transformation tags which allow you to insert references to 4D variables or expressions, or to perform different types of processing within a source text, referred to as a "template". These tags are interpreted when the source text is executed and generate an output text.
This principle is used in particular by the 4D Web server to build web template pages.
These tags are generally to be inserted as HTML type comments (<!--#Tag Contents-->
) but an xml-compliant alternative syntax is available for some of them.
É possível misturar vários tipos de etiquetas. Por exemplo, a seguinte estrutura HTML é inteiramente viável:
<!--#4DSCRIPT/PRE_PROCESS--> (Method call)
<!--#4DIF (myvar=1)--> (If condition)
<!--#4DINCLUDE banner1.html--> (Subpage insertion)
<!--#4DENDIF--> (End if)
<!--#4DIF (mtvar=2)-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE banner2.html-->
<!--#4DLOOP [TABLE]--> (Loop on the current selection)
<!--#4DIF ([TABLE]ValNum>10)--> (If [TABLE]ValNum>10)
<!--#4DINCLUDE subpage.html--> (Subpage insertion)
<!--#4DELSE--> (Else)
<B>Value: <!--#4DTEXT [TABLE]ValNum--></B><br/> (Field display)
<!--#4DENDLOOP--> ](End for)
Princípios de utilização das etiquetas
Parsing the contents of a template source is done in two contexts:
Using the
command; this command accepts a template as input, as well as optional parameters and returns a text resulting from the processing. -
Using 4D's integrated HTTP server: template pages sent by means of the
(.htm, .html, .shtm, .shtml),WEB SEND BLOB
(text/html type BLOB),WEB SEND TEXT
commands, or called using URLs. Nesse último caso, por motivos de otimização, as páginas sufixadas com ".htm" e ".html" NÃO são analisadas. Para analisar páginas HTML nesse caso, você deve adicionar o sufixo ".shtm" ou ".shtml" (por exemplo,
Processamento recursivo
4D tags are interpreted recursively: 4D always attempts to reinterpret the result of a transformation and, if a new transformation has taken place, an additional interpretation is performed, and so on until the product obtained no longer requires any further transformation. Por exemplo, dada a seguinte instrução:
<!--#4DHTML [Mail]Letter_type-->
Se o próprio campo de texto [Mail]Letter_type
contiver uma tag, por exemplo, <!--#4DSCRIPT/m_Gender-->
, essa tag será avaliada recursivamente após a interpretação da tag 4DHTML.
This powerful principle meets most needs related to text transformation. Note, however, that in some cases this can also allow malicious code to be inserted in the web context, which can be avoided.
Identificadores com tokens
To ensure the correct evaluation of expressions processed via tags, regardless of the language or 4D version, it's recommended to use the tokenized syntax for elements whose name may vary over versions (commands, tables, fields, constants). For example, to insert the Current time
command, enter Current time:C178
Utilizar o "." como separador decimal
4D always uses the period character (.) as a decimal separator when evaluating a numerical expression using a 4D tag 4DTEXT
, and 4DEVAL
. Os parâmetros regionais são ignorados. This feature facilitates code maintenance and compatibility between 4D languages and versions.
Sintaxe: <!--#4DBASE folderPath-->
The <!--#4DBASE -->
tag designates the working directory to be used by the <!--#4DINCLUDE-->
When it is called in a Web page, the <!--#4DBASE -->
tag modifies all subsequent <!--#4DINCLUDE-->
calls on this page, until the next <!--#4DBASE -->
, if any. If the <!--#4DBASE -->
folder is modified from within an included file, it retrieves its original value from the parent file.
The folderPath parameter must contain a pathname relative to the current page and it must end with a slash (/
). A pasta designada deve estar localizada dentro da pasta Web.
Pass the "WEBFOLDER" keyword to restore the default path (relative to the page).
O código seguinte, que deve especificar um caminho relativo para cada chamada:
<!--#4DINCLUDE subpage.html-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE folder/subpage1.html-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE folder/subpage2.html-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE folder/subpage3.html-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE ../folder/subpage.html-->
... é equivalente a:
<!--#4DINCLUDE subpage.html-->
<!--#4DBASE folder/-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE subpage1.html-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE subpage2.html-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE subpage3.html-->
<!--#4DBASE ../folder/-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE subpage.html-->
Por exemplo, para definir um directório para a página inicial:
/* Index.html */
<!--#4DIF LangFR=True-->
<!--#4DBASE FR/-->
<!--#4DBASE US/-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE head.html-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE body.html-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE footer.html-->
In the "head.html" file, the current folder is modified through <!--#4DBASE -->
, without this changing its value in "Index.html":
/* Head.htm */
/* o directório de trabalho aqui é relativo ao ficheiro incluído (FR/ ou US/) */
<!--#4DBASE Styles/-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE main.css-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE product.css-->
<!--#4DBASE Scripts/-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE main.js-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE product.js-->
Sintaxe: <!--#4DCODE codeLines-->
La balise 4DCODE
permet d'insérer un bloc de code 4D de plusieurs lignes dans un template.
When a <!--#4DCODE
sequence is detected that is followed by a space, a CR or a LF character, 4D interprets all the lines of code up to the next -->
sequence. The code block itself can contain carriage returns, line feeds, or both; it will be interpreted sequentially by 4D.
Por exemplo, pode escrever num modelo:
//PARAMETERS initialization C_OBJECT:C1216($graphParameters)
OB SET:C1220($graphParameters;"graphType";1)
//...your code here If(OB Is defined:C1231($graphParameters;"graphType"))
$graphType:=OB GET:C1224($graphParameters;"graphType")
DELETE FROM ARRAY:C228 ($yValuesArrPtr{1}->;9;100000)
End if
End if End if
Eis as características da etiqueta 4DCODE:
- The
command is supported and activates the 4D debugger, thus allowing you to debug your template code. - Any error will display the standard error dialog that lets the user stop code execution or enter debugging mode.
- The text in between
is split into lines accepting any line-ending convention (cr, lf, or crlf). - The text is tokenized within the context of the database that called
. Isto é importante para o reconhecimento dos métodos de projeto, por exemplo. The Available through tags and 4D URLs (4DACTION ...) method property is not taken into account. - Even if the text always uses English-US, it is recommended to use the token syntax (:Cxxx) for command and constant names to protect against potential problems due to commands or constants being renamed from one version of 4D to another.
The fact that 4DCODE tags can call any of the 4D language commands or project methods could be seen as a security issue, especially when the database is available through HTTP. However, since it executes server-side code called from your own template files, the tag itself does not represent a security issue. In this context, as for any Web server, security is mainly handled at the level of remote accesses to server files.
Sintaxe: <!--#4DEACH variável na expressão-->
The <!--#4DEACH-->
comment allows iterating a specified item over all values of the expression. The item is set to a variable whose type depends on the expression type.
The <!--#4DEACH-->
comment can iterate through three expression types:
- collections: loop through each element of the collection,
- seleções de entidade: loop através de cada entidade,
- objects: loop through each object property.
The number of iterations is evaluated at startup and will not change during the processing. Adicionar ou remover itens durante o loop não é recomendado porque resulta em iterações faltantes ou redundantes.
<!--#4DEACH item in collection-->
This syntax iterates on each item of the collection. The code portion located between <!--#4DEACH -->
and <!--#4DENDEACH-->
is repeated for each collection element.
The item parameter is a variable of the same type as the collection elements.
The collection must contain only elements of the same type, otherwise an error is returned as soon as the item variable is assigned the first mismatched value type.
The number of loops is based on the number of elements of the collection. At each iteration, the item variable is automatically filled with the matching element of the collection. Os pontos abaixo devem ser considerados:
- If the item variable is of the object type or collection type (i.e. if expression is a collection of objects or of collections), modifying this variable will automatically modify the matching element of the collection (because objects and collections share the same references). Se a variável for de tipo escalar, só se modificará a variável.
- The item variable gets the same type as the first collection element. If any collection element is not of the same type as the variable, an error is generated and the loop stops.
- If the collection contains elements with a Null value, an error is generated if the item variable type does not support Null values (such as longint variables).
Exemplo com uma coleção de valores escalares
getNames devolve uma coleção de cadeias de caracteres. The method has been declared as "available through 4D tags and URLs".
<table class="table">
<!--#4DEACH $name in getNames-->
<td><!--#4DTEXT $name--></td>
Exemplo com uma coleção de objetos
getSalesPersons devolve uma coleção de objetos.
<table class="table">
<!--#4DEACH $salesPerson in $salePersons-->
<td><!--#4DTEXT $salesPerson.ID--></td>
<td><!--#4DTEXT $salesPerson.firstname--></td>
<td><!--#4DTEXT $salesPerson.lastname--></td>
<!--#4DEACH entity in entitySelection-->
Essa sintaxe itera em cada entidade da seleção de entidades. The code portion located between <!--#4DEACH -->
and <!--#4DENDEACH-->
is repeated for each entity of the entity selection.
The entity parameter is an object variable of the entity selection class.
O número de loops é baseado no número de entidades da seleção de entidades. At each iteration, the entity object variable is automatically filled with the matching entity of the entity selection.
Exemplo com uma tabela html
<table class="table">
<tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Total purchase</th></tr>
<!--#4DEACH $customer in ds. Customers.all()-->
<td><!--#4DTEXT $customer.ID--></td>
<td><!--#4DTEXT $></td>
<td><center><!--#4DTEXT String($customer.totalPurchase;"$###,##0")--></center></td>
Exemplo com PROCESS 4D TAGS
var customers : cs. CustomersSelection
var $input; $output : Text
customers:=ds. Customers.all()
$input:="<!--#4DEACH $cust in customers-->"
$input:=$input+"<!--#4DTEXT $ -->"+Char(Carriage return)
$input:=$input+"<!--#4DENDEACH-->" PROCESS 4D TAGS($input; $output)
TEXT TO DOCUMENT("customers.txt"; $output)
<!--#4DEACH property in object-->
This syntax iterates on each property of the object. The code portion located between <!--#4DEACH -->
and <!--#4DENDEACH-->
is repeated for each property of the object.
The property parameter is a text variable automatically filled with the name of the currently processed property.
As propriedades do objeto são processadas de acordo com sua ordem de criação. Durante o loop, propriedades podem ser adicionadas ou eliminadas no objeto, sem modificar o número de loops que permanecerão no número original de propriedades do objeto.
Exemplo com as propriedades de um objeto
getGamers is a project method that returns an object like ("Mary"; 10; "Ann"; 20; "John"; 40) to figure gamer scores.
<table class="table">
<!--#4DEACH $key in $gamers-->
<td ><!--#4DTEXT $key--></td>
<td ><!--#4DTEXT $gamers[$key]--></td>
Sintaxe: <!--#4DEVAL expression-->
Sintaxe alternativa: $4DEVAL(expressão)
A etiqueta 4DEVAL
permite que você avalie uma variável ou expressão 4D. Like the 4DHTML
tag, 4DEVAL
does not escape HTML characters when returning text. However, unlike 4DHTML
allows you to execute any valid 4D statement, including assignments and expressions that do not return any value.
Por exemplo, é possível executar:
$input:="<!--#4DEVAL a:=42-->" //atribuição
$input:=$input+"<!--#4DEVAL a+1-->" //cálculo
PROCESS 4D TAGS($input;$output)
//$output = "43"
In case of an error during interpretation, the text inserted will be in the form: <!--#4DEVAL expr-->: ## error # error code
For security reasons, it is recommended to use the
tag when processing data introduced from outside the application, in order to prevent the insertion of malicious code.
Sintaxe: <!--#4DHTML expression-->
Sintaxe alternativa: $4DHTML(expressão)
Just like the 4DTEXT
tag, this tag lets you assess a 4D variable or expression that returns a value, and insert it as an HTML expression. This value is inserted as simple text, special HTML characters such as ">" are automatically escaped.
For example, here are the processing results of the 4D text variable myvar with the available tags:
Valor myvar | Etiquetas | Resultados |
myvar:="<B>" | <!--#4DTEXT myvar--> | <B> |
myvar:="<B>" | <!--#4DHTML myvar--> | <B> |
In case of an interpretation error, the inserted text will be <!--#4DHTML myvar--> : ## error # error code
For security reasons, it is recommended to use the
tag when processing data introduced from outside the application, in order to prevent the insertion of malicious code.
Sintaxe: <!--#4DIF expression-->
{<!--#4DELSEIF expression2-->...<!--#4DELSEIF expressionN-->
} {<!--#4DELSE-->
} <!--#4DENDIF-->
Used with the <!--#4DELSEIF-->
(optional), <!--#4DELSE-->
(optional) and <!--#4DENDIF-->
comments, the <!--#4DIF expression-->
comment offers the possibility to execute portions of code conditionally.
The expression parameter can contain any valid 4D expression returning a Boolean value. It must be indicated within parenthesis and comply with the 4D syntax rules.
In case of an interpretation error, the text "<!--#4DIF expression-->
: A Boolean expression was expected" is inserted instead of the contents located between <!--#4DIF -->
and <!--#4DENDIF-->
. Likewise, if there are not as many <!--#4DENDIF-->
as <!--#4DIF -->
, the text "<!--#4DIF expression-->
: 4DENDIF expected" is inserted instead of the contents located between <!--#4DIF -->
and <!--#4DENDIF-->
In case of an interpretation error, the text "<!--#4DIF expression-->
: A Boolean expression was expected" is inserted instead of the contents located between <!--#4DIF -->
and <!--#4DENDIF-->
. Likewise, if there are not as many <!--#4DENDIF-->
as <!--#4DIF -->
, the text "<!--#4DIF expression-->
: 4DENDIF expected" is inserted instead of the contents located between <!--#4DIF -->
and <!--#4DENDIF-->
Using the <!--#4DELSEIF-->
tag, you can test an unlimited number of conditions. Only the code that follows the first condition evaluated as True
is executed. If no conditions are true, no statement is executed (if there is no final <!--#4DELSE-->
). You can use a <!--#4DELSE-->
tag after the last <!--#4DELSEIF-->
. If all the conditions are false, the statements following the <!--#4DELSE-->
are executed.
Os dois códigos seguintes são equivalentes.
Code using 4DELSE only:
<!--#4DIF Condition1-->
/* A condição1 é verdadeira*/
<!--#4DIF Condition2-->
/* A condição2 é verdadeira*/
<!--#4DIF Condition3-->
/* A condição3 é verdadeira */
/*Nenhuma das condições é verdadeira*/
Código semelhante usando a tag 4DELSEIF
<!--#4DIF Condition1-->
/* A condição1 é verdadeira*/
<!--#4DELSEIF Condition2-->
/* A condição2 é verdadeira*/
<!--#4DELSEIF Condition3-->
/* A condição3 é verdadeira */
/* Nenhuma das condições é verdadeira*/
This example of code inserted in a static HTML page displays a different label according the vname#""
expression result:
<!--#4DIF (vname#"")--> Names starting with <!--#4DTEXT vname-->.
<!--#4DELSE--> No name has been found.
Este exemplo insere páginas diferentes dependendo de qual usuário está conectado:
<!--#4DIF LoggedIn=False-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE Login.htm -->
<!--#4DELSEIF User="Admin" -->
<!--#4DINCLUDE AdminPanel.htm -->
<!--#4DELSEIF User="Manager" -->
<!--#4DINCLUDE SalesDashboard.htm -->
<!--#4DINCLUDE ItemList.htm -->
Sintaxe: <!--#4DINCLUDE path-->
This tag is mainly designed to include an HTML page (indicated by the path parameter) in another HTML page. By default, only the body of the specified HTML page, i.e. the contents found within the <body>
and </body>
tags, is included (the tags themselves are not included). Isso permite evitar conflitos relacionados a meta etiquetas presentes nos cabeçalhos.
However, if the HTML page specified does not contain <body>
and </body>
tags, the entire page is included. Cabe-lhe a você verificar a coerência das meta etiquetas.
The <!--#4DINCLUDE -->
comment is very useful for tests (<!--#4DIF-->
) or loops (<!--#4DLOOP-->
). É muito conveniente incluir banners de acordo com critérios ou de forma aleatória. When including, regardless of the file name extension, 4D analyzes the called page and then inserts the contents (modified or not) in the page originating the 4DINCLUDE
An included page with the <!--#4DINCLUDE -->
comment is loaded in the Web server cache the same way as pages called via a URL or sent with the WEB SEND FILE
Em path, coloque o caminho que leva ao documento a incluir. Warning: In the case of a 4DINCLUDE
call, the path is relative to the document being analyzed, that is, the "parent" document. Use the slash character (/) as a folder separator and the two dots (..) to go up one level (HTML syntax). When you use the 4DINCLUDE
tag with the PROCESS 4D TAGS
command, the default folder is the project folder.
You can modify the default folder used by the
tag in the current page, using the<!--#4DBASE -->
tag (see below).
The number of <!--#4DINCLUDE path-->
within a page is unlimited. However, the <!--#4DINCLUDE path-->
calls can be made only at one level. This means that, for example, you cannot insert <!--#4DINCLUDE mydoc3.html-->
in the mydoc2.html body page, which is called by <!--#4DINCLUDE mydoc2-->
inserted in mydoc1.html. Além disso, 4D verifica que as inclusões não são recursivas.
Em caso de erro, o texto inserido é "<!--#4DINCLUDE path-->
: o documento não pode ser aberto".
<!--#4DINCLUDE subpage.html-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE folder/subpage.html-->
<!--#4DINCLUDE ../folder/subpage.html-->
Sintaxe: <!--#4DLOOP condition-->
This comment allows repetition of a portion of code as long as the condition is fulfilled. The portion is delimited by <!--#4DLOOP-->
and <!--#4DENDLOOP-->
The <!--#4DLOOP condition-->
... <!--#4DENDLOOP-->
blocks can be nested. Like in 4D, each <!--#4DLOOP condition-->
must match a <!--#4DENDLOOP-->
Existem cinco tipos de condições:
<!--#4DLOOP [table]-->
This syntax makes a loop for each record from the table current selection in the current process. The code portion located between the two comments is repeated for each current selection record.
When the
tag is used with a table, records are loaded in "Read only" mode.
O seguinte código:
<!--#4DLOOP [People]-->
<!--#4DTEXT [People]Name--> <!--#4DTEXT [People]Surname--><br/>
... poderia ser expresso em linguagem 4D da seguinte forma:
End while
While(Not(End selection([People])))
While(Not(End selection([People])))
<!--#4DLOOP array-->
Esta sintaxe cria um ciclo para cada item do array. O item atual do array é aumentado quando cada parte do código é repetida.
Esta sintaxe não pode ser utilizada com arrays de duas dimensões. Neste caso, é preferível combinar um método com loops aninhados.
O seguinte exemplo de código:
<!--#4DLOOP arr_names-->
<!--#4DTEXT arr_names{arr_names}--><br/>
... poderia ser expresso em linguagem 4D da seguinte forma:
For($Elem;1;Size of array(arr_names))
End for
<!--#4DLOOP method-->
This syntax makes a loop as long as the method returns True
. O método utiliza um tipo de parâmetro Long Integer. First it is called with the value 0 to allow an initialization stage (if necessary); it is then called with the values 1 ,then 2, then 3 and so on, as long as it returns True
For security reasons, within a Web process, the On Web Authentication
database method can be called once just before the initialization stage (method execution with 0 as parameter). Se a autenticação for correta, a fase de inicialização prossegue.
DEVEM ser declarados no método para efeitos de compilação.
O seguinte exemplo de código:
<!--#4DLOOP my_method-->
<!--#4DTEXT var--> <br/>
... poderia ser expresso em linguagem 4D da seguinte forma:
End while
End if
End if
O método my_method
pode ser o seguinte:
If($1=0) `Initialisation
$0:=False `Para o ciclo
End if
End if
<!--#4DLOOP expression-->
With this syntax, the 4DLOOP
tag makes a loop as long as the expression returns True
. The expression can be any valid Boolean expression and must contain a variable part to be evaluated in each loop to avoid infinite loops.
Por exemplo, o seguinte código:
<!--#4DEVAL $i:=0-->
<!--#4DLOOP ($i<4)-->
<!--#4DEVAL $i-->
<!--#4DEVAL $i:=$i+1-->
...produz o seguinte resultado:
<!--#4DLOOP pointerArray-->
In this case, the 4DLOOP
tag works like it does with an array: it makes a loop for each element of the array referenced by the pointer. The current array element is increased each time the portion of code is repeated.
This syntax is useful when you pass an array pointer as a parameter to the PROCESS 4D TAGS
ARRAY TEXT($array;2)
$input:="<!--#4DEVAL $1-->"
$input:=$input+"<!--#4DLOOP $2-->"
$input:=$input+"<!--#4DEVAL $2->{$2->}--> "
PROCESS 4D TAGS($input;$output;"elements = ";->$array)
// $output = "elements = hello world "
In case of an interpretation error, the text "<!--#4DLOOP expression-->
: description" is inserted instead of the contents located between <!--#4DLOOP -->
and <!--#4DENDLOOP-->
Podem ser mostradas as seguintes mensagens:
- Tipo de expressão inesperado (erro padrão);
- Nome incorreto da tabela (erro no nome da tabela);
- An array was expected (the variable is not an array or is a two dimension array);
- O método não existe;
- Erro de sintaxe (quando o método está em execução);
- Access error (you do not have the appropriate access privileges to access the table or the method).
- 4DENDLOOP esperado (o número
não coincide com o número<!--#4DLOOP -->
Sintaxe: <!--#4DSCRIPT/MethodName/MyParam-->
tag allows you to execute 4D methods when processing the template. A presença da tag <!--#4DSCRIPT/MyMethod/MyParam-->
como um comentário HTML inicia a execução do método MyMethod
com o parâmetro Param
como uma string em $1
If the tag is called in the context of a Web process, when the page is loaded, 4D calls the
On Web Authentication
database method (if it exists). Se retornar True, 4D executa o método.
O método deve devolver o texto em $0
. If the string starts with the code character 1, it is considered as HTML (the same principle is true for the 4DHTML
Por exemplo, digamos que você insira o seguinte comentário “Today is <!--#4DSCRIPT/MYMETH/MYPARAM-->”
em um modelo de página Web. When loading the page, 4D calls the On Web Authentication
database method, then calls the MYMETH
method and passes the string “/MYPARAM” as the parameter $1
. The method returns text in $0 (for example "12/31/21"); the expression "Today is<!--#4DSCRIPT/MYMETH/MYPARAM––>
" therefore becomes "Today is 12/31/21".
O método MYMETH
é o seguinte:
C_TEXT($0;$1) //Estes parâmetros devem ser sempre declarados
$0:=String(Current date)
A method called by
must not call interface elements (DIALOG
, etc.).
As 4D executes methods in their order of appearance, it is absolutely possible to call a method that sets the value of many variables that are referenced further in the document, whichever mode you are using. You can insert as many <!--#4DSCRIPT...-->
comments as you want in a template.
Sintaxe: <!--#4DTEXT expressão-->
Sintaxe alternativa: $4DTEXT(expressão)
The tag <!--#4DTEXT expression-->
allows you to insert a reference to a 4D variable or expression returning a value. Por exemplo, se escrever (numa página HTML):
<P>Welcome to <!--#4DTEXT vtSiteName-->!</P>
The value of the 4D variable vtSiteName
will be inserted in the HTML page when it is sent. This value is inserted as simple text, special HTML characters such as ">" are automatically escaped.
Também é possível inserir expressões 4D. You can for example directly insert the contents of a field (<!--#4DTEXT [tableName]fieldName-->
), an array element (<!--#4DTEXT tabarr{1}-->
) or a method returning a value (<!--#4DTEXT mymethod-->
). A conversão de expressões segue as mesmas regras das variáveis. Além disso, a expressão deve respeitar as regras de sintaxe 4D.
For security reasons, it is recommended to use this tag when processing data introduced from outside the application, in order to prevent the insertion of malicious code.
In case of an evaluation error, the inserted text will appear as <!--#4DTEXT myvar--> : ## error # error code
- É necessário utilizar variáveis processo.
- É possível mostrar o conteúdo de um campo imagem. No entanto, não é possível exibir o conteúdo de um item matriz de imagens.
- It is possible to display the contents of an object field by means of a 4D formula. For example, you can write
<!--#4DTEXT OB Get:C1224([Rect]Desc;\"color\")-->
. - Normalmente, trabalha-se com variáveis de tipo texto. No entanto, também é possível utilizar variáveis BLOB. You just need to generate BLOBs in
Text without length
Sintaxe alternativa para 4DTEXT, 4DHTML, 4DEVAL
Several existing 4D transformation tags can be expressed using a $-based syntax:
$4dtag (expression)
pode ser utilizado em vez de
<!--#4dtag expression-->
This alternative syntax is available only for tags used to return processed values:
(Other tags, such as 4DIF or 4DSCRIPT, must be written with the regular syntax).
Por exemplo, pode escrever:
em vez de:
The main advantage of this syntax is that it allows you to write XML-compliant templates. Some 4D developers need to create and validate XML-based templates using standard XML parser tools. Since the "<" character is invalid in an XML attribute value, it was not possible to use the "<!-- -->
" syntax of 4D tags without breaking the document syntax. On the other hand, escaping the "<" character will prevent 4D from interpreting the tags correctly.
For example, the following code would cause an XML parsing error because of the first "<" character in the attribute value:
<line x1="<!--#4DEVAL $x-->" y1="<!--#4DEVAL $graphY1-->"/>
Utilizando a sintaxe $, o seguinte código é validado pelo analisador:
<line x1="$4DEVAL($x)" y1="$4DEVAL($graphY1)"/>
Note that $4dtag
and <--#4dtag -->
are not strictly equivalent: unlike <--#4dtag -->
, $4dtag
processing does not interpret 4D tags recursively. $
tags are always evaluated once and the result is considered as plain text.
A razão para esta diferença é evitar a injeção de código malicioso. As explained below, it is strongly recommended to use 4DTEXT
tags instead of 4DHTML
tags when handling user text to protect against unwanted reinterpretation of tags: with 4DTEXT
, special characters such as "<" are escaped, thus any 4D tags using the <!--#4dtag expression -->
syntax will lose their particular meaning. However, since 4DTEXT
does not escape the $
symbol, we decided to break support for recursion in order to prevent malicious injection using the $4dtag (expression)
The following examples show the result of processing depending on the syntax and tag used:
// example 1
myName:="<!--#4DHTML QUIT 4D-->" //malicious injection
input:="My name is: <!--#4DHTML myName-->"
PROCESS 4D TAGS(input;output)
//4D vai sair!
// example 2
myName:="<!--#4DHTML QUIT 4D-->" //malicious injection
input:="My name is: <!--#4DTEXT myName-->"
PROCESS 4D TAGS(input;output)
//output is "My name is: <!--#4DHTML QUIT 4D-->"
// example 3
myName:="$4DEVAL(QUIT 4D)" //malicious injection
input:="My name is: <!--#4DTEXT myName-->"
PROCESS 4D TAGS(input;output)
//output is "My name is: $4DEVAL(QUIT 4D)"
Note that the $4dtag
syntax supports matching pairs of enclosed quotes or parenthesis. For example, suppose that you need to evaluate the following complex (unrealistic) string:
String(1) + "\"(hello)\""
Você pode escrever:
input:="$4DEVAL( String(1)+\"\\\"(hello)\\\"\")"
PROCESS 4D TAGS(input;output)
-->output is 1"(hello)"