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Versão: 20 R8 BETA


Cria um conjunto de entidades a partir de um conjunto de entidades existente, mas sem suas entidades excluídas, se houver (e.g. $clean=true)


$clean creates a new entity set containing the same entities as entitySetID but without references to deleted entities (if any).

By default, when an entity is deleted, its reference(s) in existing entity set(s) become undefined but are not removed. They are also still included in the "count" property of the entity set. Chamar $clean no conjunto de entidades retorna um novo conjunto de entidades atualizado, sem referências de entidades undefined.

$clean pode ser seguido por $method=entityset para criar a nova entidade definida no servidor:



  1. Criamos um conjunto de entidades:

GET /rest/Speciality?$filter="ID<=3"&$method=entityset

Três entidades são recebidas e obtemos o conjunto de entidades DF6903FB5879404A9A818884CFC6F62A

"__ENTITYSET": "/rest/Speciality/$entityset/DF6903FB5879404A9A818884CFC6F62A",
"__DATACLASS": "Speciality",
"__entityModel": "Speciality",
"__GlobalStamp": 0,
"__COUNT": 3,
"__FIRST": 0,
"__KEY": "1",
"__TIMESTAMP": "2024-04-23T10:42:28.097Z",
"__STAMP": 131,
"ID": 1,
"name": "Surgery",
"infos": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "/rest/Speciality[1]/infos?$expand=infos"
"__KEY": "2",
"__TIMESTAMP": "2024-04-23T10:42:28.097Z",
"__STAMP": 131,
"ID": 2,
"name": "Otolaryngology",
"infos": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "/rest/Speciality[2]/infos?$expand=infos"
"__KEY": "3",
"__TIMESTAMP": "2024-04-23T10:42:28.097Z",
"__STAMP": 131,
"ID": 3,
"name": "Dentist",
"infos": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "/rest/Speciality[3]/infos?$expand=infos"
"__SENT": 3
  1. Excluímos a entidade de KEY=2 (consulte how to delete an entity) e, em seguida, essa solicitação é enviada:

GET /rest/Speciality/$entityset/DF6903FB5879404A9A818884CFC6F62A

O conjunto de entidades é retornado e ainda contém 3 entidades. There is an undefined entity for the deleted entity (with stamp = 0):

"__DATACLASS": "Speciality",
"__entityModel": "Speciality",
"__GlobalStamp": 0,
"__COUNT": 3,
"__FIRST": 0,
"__KEY": "1",
"__TIMESTAMP": "2024-04-23T10:42:28.097Z",
"__STAMP": 131,
"ID": 1,
"name": "Surgery",
"infos": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "/rest/Speciality[1]/infos?$expand=infos"
"__STAMP": 0
"__KEY": "3",
"__TIMESTAMP": "2024-04-23T10:42:28.097Z",
"__STAMP": 131,
"ID": 3,
"name": "Dentist",
"infos": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "/rest/Speciality[3]/infos?$expand=infos"
"__SENT": 3
  1. Se essa solicitação for enviada:

GET /rest/Speciality/$entityset/DF6903FB5879404A9A818884CFC6F62A?$clean=true&$method=entityset

We clean the entity set DF6903FB5879404A9A818884CFC6F62A and receive a new entity set (entity set D7BFBC49375B4FE5A94CDD17AA535F73) that does not contain the dropped entity:

"__ENTITYSET": "/rest/Speciality/$entityset/D7BFBC49375B4FE5A94CDD17AA535F73",
"__DATACLASS": "Speciality",
"__entityModel": "Speciality",
"__GlobalStamp": 0,
"__COUNT": 2,
"__FIRST": 0,
"__KEY": "1",
"__TIMESTAMP": "2024-04-23T10:42:28.097Z",
"__STAMP": 131,
"ID": 1,
"name": "Surgery",
"infos": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "/rest/Speciality[1]/infos?$expand=infos"
"__KEY": "3",
"__TIMESTAMP": "2024-04-23T10:42:28.097Z",
"__STAMP": 131,
"ID": 3,
"name": "Dentist",
"infos": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "/rest/Speciality[3]/infos?$expand=infos"
"__SENT": 2